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Here’s a cursed concept. A dating sim-esque game where you play as BJ trying to win over the respect of the minions for ol’ Bowser.

I’m not actually going to MAKE the game, but here are some screenshots if said game did exist. Did my best to keep it for everyone ten and up [E10], so no “BJ” jokes or anything like that.

I have no clue how 50’s mafia talk.

All I know is the stereotypical “y’see?”

This recluse’s real name is Button.

I’m not actually making the game, so… y’know. There’s that.


…is a boo…

…Winnie the Boo…

Let’s move on.

Oh look, it’s a shy guy…

Robert… Bobert… Bob… Omb.

I thought it was clever.

I get the feeling Bowser Sr. would be highly against BJ getting a tattoo, but hey. I wouldn’t know.

Hehe. This is such a screwed up headcanon.


Bowser Jr’s Dating Sim
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