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I think I may make these focus on one team at a time. Last time, all of ABNTT was there, and this time, all of Free Food is present.
Also, I crackship Eggy and Bell. No real reason. It’s not a relation I expect to ever really happen, but hey. You never know.
EDIT: Moving my pron to baragg. We’ll see if it works out.
Then bottle became rich
Sure, if Yellow Face and Puffball give her a cut of the profits.
Fries is just jealous that he didn’t get to fuck puffball
fries.jpeg has crashed woruld you like to close or report
spelt would wrong xD
OK the funny part is when bell get caught up at golf ball pu##y
Heh, that’s actually Eggy.
you should do either iance (suggestion)
I could.
was gonna suggest another team but while i did my cat Sock scratched my leg because he found a feather and landed on my leg
Um. Okay? Sorry to hear it? Sounds painful.
stapy dick spot moved
I mean, they’re objects.
i still haven’t heard of a living thing’s gentials moving to a new spot of their body
also why are you pointing out that this artwork could not happen as objects don’t have genitals
actually forget it, i’m just being a piece of crap
It’s alright.
Heck, Patrick Stewart earned MONEY for being a piece of crap (literally, not figuratively) so you know.
where is this coming from, when is google gonna filter this
No clue. Never really considered this kind of thing when making the website.
I guess it was kind of hasty to assume Google would just know.
pls draw more puffball my dudd
I’ve already drawn her 100% more often than like 80% of the cast, technically.
Did ya hear the news? BBB changed the term and policy of both of there msm games so you now have to be 16 to play the game. So you can go back to be making MSM NSFW my dude!
As awesome as that would be if that were true, until I see proof that it’s 100% okay for ME to post MSM stuff on my site, I’m not going anywhere near that minefield.
Can’t risk getting sued. I still have a college degree to earn.
cant find proof of it
still, that wouldnt mean kingheron can make more of it if it is true
Actually, I’m definitely not allowed. Here’s a direct quote from the site’s fan content privacy policy:
1.3 … Fan Content … must not be obscene, sexually explicit, defamatory, offensive, objectionable, or harmful to others.
-thinking of a phrase for bell amd eggy-
Eggy:GO GO GO!
Bell:w-WOW eggy what is
… That?
are your parents home lukas?
Oh gosh XD this showed up when I was scrolling with an 8 year old. It was weird that I liked it but at the same time I was scrolling and screaming XD
Didn’t matter, I’m not mad
Heh, sorry about that. Hope the kid didn’t get too freaked out. : )
I’m not sure when Google will start recognizing this as an adult site, but until then.
It’s all fine, she didn’t see it. Or she just had no idea wat it was.
Ah, that’s good.
If you have the time and msm staff is asleep can you make edamimi and candelavra NSFW I Know Im Still Young But I Dont care about going to hell and age limit
I kind of associate this ship with Flummy. Is this ship based on her ship?
This is the funniest, strangest, thing to come across. (LMAO)
You’d better care about going to hell, cuz if you don’t, your going to have a HELL of a time (XD)
i went here thinking its SFW now im gonna hide in a trash can
You can filter out nsfw stuff by searching “sfw” in the tags.
I don’t recommend that trash cans have a reputation for being somewhat unsanitary. : )
do more bell plez, she’s one of my favs
Sure, but from what I’ve seen, Bell is a bit of a polarizing character.
(I like her, but I like all the characters, so my opinion’s kind of pointless)
What’s p plus corn? (Hint it’s inappropriate)
pcorn? I dunno, could be worse.
How bout some Basketball and Grassy NSFW?
I do ship ’em.
eww, bitch, they’re only friends, also grassketball isn’t a popular ship.
Hey King Heron! Can You PLEASE Make Some Stapy NSFW Stuff?
This is a crappy drawing i made. it is supposed to be what i want you to make: https://imgur.com/E3qiMpn
also, sorry for my bad grammar
Uh… I might? I’m a bit bust right now, but if I remember, sure.
I don’t like drawing penises, so please, make stapy a super errect dick with cum in it (or not)
I thought eggy was golf ball lol
Heh, nope. I draw them a bit differently.
What was Fries saying to PB?
Something important… maybe.
Who knows, really.
I know what’s fries saying, but i’m lazy to write it.