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EDIT: Moving my pron to baragg. We’ll see if it works out.
Day 22: Donut and Bomby (Originally Bomby and Bottle)
Used both a noise gradient, and a cloud filter from the Photoshop settings for this one
Also, I already used Gelatin and Bottle, so Donut went here. Seems fitting.
Day 23: Coiny, Needle, and Pin
Gotta love these guys.
They’re the OG’s of this show. (Assuming I’m using that term right)
Don’t mind them, they’re just doing polishing the coinage, nothing to see here.
Day 24: Lollipop and Gaty (Originally Lollipop and Saw)
Took Saw out of this one, since I liked the idea of Lollipop casually assisting a “poor armless sufferer in her time of need.”
People say Gaty has no personality, but I think she just needs time. Heck, so far, she’s sort of like a tamer Lollipop, just more frustration, and less condescension.
Also, yeah… laziest background of the whole set, but hey. I can’t try every time.
Day 25: Bell and Eraser (Orginally Eraser, Yellow Face, and Fries)
I wanted the days to have characters together who’ve already had interactions, so I’d at least have an idea of what the characters think of each other.
There Eraser goes, climbing that string again… What a goof, amiright?
Day 26: Tree and Black Hole (Originally Tree, Black Hole, and Pen)
Took Pen out since I already used him in an earlier piece.
Yeah, Black Hole might be too good at this.
Tree’s… lower limb might seem a tad large, but hey, Black Hole distorts space (if my knowledge on quantum physics is accurate).
Also, this is even more amusing when I read BH’s line in his monotone voice.
Day 27: Naily and Woody (Originally Naily and Gaty)
Headcanon? Naily’s the type of person to randomly throw in Japanese phrases into her language even if she doesn’t know what they really mean.
Also, I wanted these two together, since they interact surprisingly often (mostly with impalings, though).
Day 28: Book, Ice Cube, and Bracelety (Originally Book and Ice Cube)
Last picture of the month!
Yeah, let’s be honest, if we had a fanbase who’d be willing to do whatever for us, I’m sure at least a few of us would “take advantage” of the position.
Also, made a pink field with a bright yellow sky, cause it looks nice with the bluer characters in the foreground.
Welp, that’s it! I will say, I definitely enjoyed this. I learned new techniques and made 28 new pictures. See you guys next time.
Gosh, i love it! never SAW bfb nsfw as good as that! :^ Need more *^*
Heh. Thanks!
Also, you can make suggestions at any time in the Make a Suggestion tab.
You do realize Team *8 names at once* is all girls, right?
Yes, I’m aware.
Can You Make The Other Reccomennded Bfdi Objects Like This Soon?
Is this not all of them?
Because I know you mistaked Lollipop for a boy because of her voice
Uh… nope! I’ve known Lollipop was a girl since I saw Satomi’s post in the wiki.
Not… really sure why you thought that anyways.
admin (kingheron) knew this, he even put it in the description of that day
Technically, I didn’t. The “her” was referring to Gaty in the picture.
Doesn’t mean I didn’t know Lollipop’s gender, I just never explicitly stated it in the description.
i confused got in situation dkic aslon ga sidi eiw ontlo oki t up
… Still not sure what you’re trying to say.
i got confused in the situation
SEXY. I lost my shit when I found this website and all of the bfb pictures. I love it mang I’d even pay you to do more.
Thanks! Also, if you want, you can just leave suggestions in the make a suggestion tab.
Chances are I’ll get around to it. (Also no need to pay. I do this for fun)
Gaty: ah! L-lollipop! Y-you’re so lovely
Lollipop: shut up gaty! Don’t be such a stupid boy!
Gaty: Hey! >:(
It would be cool if you could make animations of these.
Yeah, it certainly would be.
I don’t really have the time for that though.
You should do Pencil and pen
You should do Pencil and Pen.
I’ve heard of this ship, though I don’t really get it. Have those two even interacted in the show? (Also why’d you ask this twice?)
I’ll consider the request, I suppose.
It is a big ship somehow..
1- Yes, they have interacted some times in BFDI, not BFB. But it somehow its big.
2- I don’t get it either also..
3- Sorry for commenting twice, I thought the first one didn’t go though so I sent a new one.
I dont get why donut is eatting bomby dick also i dont know what bracelety doing
Only one time in BFDI , once
Isn’t it weird that cake sounds like a female but is actually is a male
They did in BFDI episode 8 where pen carries pencil in the challenge, and their names sounds good together. Though I don’t really know how I feel about this ship. It’s cute, but Pencil’s personality is WAY different than Pen’s
Yeah, ships are weird. But that’s to be expected, I guess.
Very true.
Make a 2nd month, I love these!
I forgot to say that these are SOO sexy. You should make a 2nd month NOW!
But it’s not BFB month anymore. That was February.
what if there was a leap year , how would you do bfb month
I only loosely follow the calendar. I’d probably just reorganize things.
You should make a final image staring all characters with wieners
This comment has been sent to Suggestions.
Best regards, Averybot.pw
All of them? But… with wieners?
That’s… a lot of characters… just to put wieners on them…
Thats It. Im Being A Object Terror Guy Now
Okay, plushtrap. I haven’t seen that show, though.
I Still Like BFB. But Whats Next. Inanimate Insanity Month (June)
Heh, You can relax. I don’t plan on doing this as a regular thing. Far too time consuming.
Ok. Also I Made An Object Show Called Battle For Crossovers! Check Out The First Episode! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VYENbQKYVnU
Okay, I took a look, and it’s not bad. A bit cliche though, what with the whole 1st challenge balance beam thing and whatnot.
Also, I don’t know what recording software you’re using, but I’m pretty sure that things like mouseclick sounds can be disabled.
Overall, it’s not bad, considering the software limitations. But try adding something extra. I’ve seen a bunch of these presentation type object shows and in the end, most of them kind of mesh together in the end. Pretty sure you know what I’m talking about.
TNX!! Also Have You Seen The 2nd Video Of BFC?
No, I haven’t.
Let’s do my oc (NSFW). In March.
Day 1 Mac and Cheese and Vibator
Mac and cheese is a bowl of mac and cheese.
Vibrator is pink
Mac and cheese: Boy
Vibator: Girl
And don’t forget ninja mask, who is a girl.
Uh… That’s… not really what I do here. You notice other comments don’t leave OC suggestions or whatnot.
do one with lollipop and barf bag right hugging NOW
i, ten so,i have to say Hugging not the f word
So… you don’t want them hugging.
hes ten, get backup
Eraser:Hey Hey Bell Look At My ####
Why do the ballsacks look like chicken nuggets?
Yikes, what kind of chicken nuggets have you been eating, and why would they look like ballsacks?
Uhh… I don’t see my comment on the suggestion forum. Did you delete it, or did I screw up?
Anyways, I wanted to see Camera and Winner from BFB NSFW if I did screw up.
Yeah, whenever a new user comments, the site puts the comments up for approval in case the user is a spambot. (Don’t knock the system. There are a lot of spambots, and deleting their posts one by one would be a nightmare.)
someone could act normal for a few comments, then spambot it once you’ve been moderated
By “spambots”, I mean actual bots. Like… ai’s that pretend to be interested in the site, but then saying stuff like,
Hey! I see you haven’t registered for a ____ membership yet! At (enter sketchy website link here), you can _____…
Yeah, that kind of thing.
Are you creating a BFB Month week 5????
…BFB month was February…
There were 4 weeks in February and no more. (28 days exactly)
Hai. Next year, will you do another one of these?
I’m not interested in the sexual stuff I’m interested in the ships. But you can do them the same.
Actually… I have a confession… I’ve already started on the next month.
I was planning on waiting, but I had so many ideas, and I sort of already have half the month done…
I wouldn’t mind sharing a few of them right now, but I do want to save the majority for February.
are you doing them with different ships?
Oh yeah : )
Were bfb 2
oh ok
you’ll make a new month week in the… next year????
Possibly? I dunno though. I don’t know if I have enough ideas to span yet another month.
i have a idea: balloony and bubble
another idea: remote and tv
you already requested this
i know
another idea for bfb month week 5: Flower and ruby (7U7)
You know… I do draw other stuff, you know.
Aside from bfb, I mean.
THIS IS DISGUSTING. It’s people like you who ruin good things like BFDI for others. This is the most cancerous thing I have ever seen.
Sorry about that, but hey BFDI’s still around. Not like I did anything to the show itself.
Still can’t figure out why google considers this a kid friendly site, been trying to work on that.
When is week 5 coming out i want to see more amazing porn!
Eh… wait ’till next February, and we’ll see. I may not make another one of these, anyways.
Excuse me, why are these images the top results? The Donut-Bomby one placed 9th in the search results one time!
Yeah, not sure why my stuff is showing up on google’s safe search.
Been trying to find a solution but I’m finding nothing.
Well i guess i can wait until next February (Though I dont know what month the first week was made in.) but if you can tmake another one of these then what other BFB related things can you do?
i’m so excited to see BFB month week 5, 6, 7 and 8! *time travels to february 2019* and i’m dying!
Don’t get your hopes up. I’m not exactly planning on continuing this.
b-but bfb month week needs to continue! (at least until 2019 or 2020)
It really doesn’t.
I wouldn’t count on me making any more of these anyways. I’ve already drawn every character. That’s enough, right?
emm… you can redraw some characters from the other month week’s
There are still mountains of other things I could be drawing. Outside of bfb.
Wouldn’t that count as too much screen time?
screentime? characters in images and/or comics doesn’t have any screentime. but in any television or internet series. they have it. (sorry if this is a bit confusing)
It is but i dont know what to call it if its a image or drawing.
It is but i dont know what to call it if its a image or drawing
you’re confusing 7_7
see what i mean?
What am i doing? >_<
I don’t even know what you’re referring to anymore.
what gaty’s expression on this picture: http://heronesekingdom.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Day-24-Pompous.png
I’ve lost my appetite thanks to these disgusting sex pictures >:(
It’ll be back, don’t worry. Just give it some time. : )
I hear bleach tastes great when paired with ammonia. I recommend adding in a Tide Pod for taste.
(Well too late because I died so you can’t make me drink bleach I was about to until I was suffering)
I thought bleach was dangerous
It’s a joke… please don’t drink bleach.
Well I’ll just put milk in a bleach bottle.
Step 1: Get bleach.
Step 2: pour out the bleach inside the bottle.
Step 3: Pour milk inside the bottle.
Step 4: Prank your friends to think they are actually drinking bleach.
Step 5: Put the milk/bleach away.
Sorry i meant you instead of they
Probably still a bad idea.
dangerous, because if you don’t wash it well enough, the bleach chemicals could still kill you.
Why no vaginas on the last day?
The one with Icy, Bracelety, and Book?
Well, they are there… Just not in view. Y’know?
Hey, HK, we are friends, no?
Well, I don’t know much about you personally, but I’d consider you a familiar face (in the sense of comments, I suppose).
However, I consider a friend to be a person I’d help out in their time of need, even if it came at the cost of time and patience. In that sense, I sort of hold friendship to a high pedestal…
So, using that as a guideline, I wouldn’t consider you a friend. I wouldn’t consider anyone I met online a “friend”. I’d prefer to use the term online acquaintance: someone I met online whom I am acquainted with.
Those people could be nice, agreeable, and I might like them, but unless I’m willing to fly out to where they live to help them with depression, share with them half my tuition fund to help them through economic struggles, or anything else, I wouldn’t consider us friends.
But hey, don’t think too hard on it. I may not see you as a friend, but I still get happy when I see you comment. It feels like if I were a bartender, and a regular popped in for a daily drink. A familiar face is a familiar face, and that sometimes is enough, I say.
Sorry, that response got a bit wordy. Won’t happen again… unless I feel like it.
HK,Do you play ROBLOX?
Nope. Used to play Minecraft like a decade ago, though.
I’m necroposting, but… I have to point this out, and minecraft hasn’t even reached a decade yet.
Oh well I guess i made a ROBLOX account and answered 6 questions and made your very own T-shirt for nothing then
Guess so. Tragic.
Well thanks anyway HK.
So, HK, you will make BFB Month Week 5 6 7 and 8?
Eh, we’ll see.
JNJ is doing a livestream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BEGs9vwKdks
checking tumblr. PRAY TO GOD HE DOES NOT SEE THIS!
oh gawd glad thats over he did not see it (thankfully)
Huh? I’m watching the stream now.
so. do you like then new JNJ icon?
Well… It’s Four and X. Maybe I’m missing something, but I think I’d rather see them form “JNJ” with their bodies, like they did for “BFB” in the intro.
I just think it could’ve been a bit more creative. :/
My friend told me to search up bfb. He told me to look at the images. i saw a dounut sucking a bomb c***. I looked at my search bar. It’s bfb. No NSFW or Porn. I looked at the image again. I looked at the search bar again and that’s how I got here. I realize that bfb was a YouTube series and the first object show on YT. But how did NSFW s*** showed up?
I dunno. I can’t say I’m really familiar with how Google favors images. Maybe it has to do with web traffic or something.
hey HK is it possible for kids to cum?
Puberty says yes.
so you cant cum until your puberty aged?
I’m pretty sure you can’t produce sperm until puberty. If I’m remembering correctly.
What kind of sexual glands do teens have?
The normal kind, I presume? I don’t really understand the question.
what is bracelety doing
She’s “getting Icy wet”. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
You know… ’cause Icy’s frozen water… and when you lick frozen water, it melts… into liquid water, you know what, nevermind.
he’s referring to ”bracelety is licking icy’s vagina”
Uh, random? You okay?
Good job on this. Are you thinking of making more object content in the future?
I dunno. Probably.
HK Can masturbading make you cum?
I don’t see why not.
have you ever cummed/got wet in your vag?
Im a boy
me too, wait, we are not boys, we are
dont do agressive masturbation
Dude, don’t make 3 accounts. I know it’s all you.
I actully think that woody is a young 4 year old
In my headcanon, he’s just like 18/19 years old
T_T rlly
i found my 10 ear old cumming ive cummed before tho
it felt goood
Oh my god….
Hmmmmmm…. That’s hot
so when your 10 you can cum now?
Well thats good bcuz tomorrow is my bday
I’m not your sex-ed Q&A. Go to you parents or talk to a teacher.
I have 11 but i can’t cum
I said HELP
if not i will change your username’s name to ”Caca” and i will vandalize every page in this/your website.
Uhm, hello? When’s my Grassy X Basketball NSFW request?
Top 10 Stupidest Anime Characters
You made a request. A request. You didn’t pay me. I didn’t sign a contract.
You get it WHEN and IF I want to make it.
AlexandriteOobi is bitch!!! block him/her/they/gay!!!
Why? You’re being five times as annoying.
No u.
If not, i will gave you YEETmares with dis:https://i.redd.it/uwsl1ydfaay01.jpg
U need to find mah house and YEET me. if not, you will (barry benson the) bee delet’d from dis YEETrld.
I’m serious. Last warning.
eh the last one aint that dirty
Guess not.
I Made A New Object Show: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLMG6z5Zhew&list=PL0ARaQF_Qz-aazQGb3OWMvfKYKLz8pmtY
HK… I have a question…
Isn’t GB a girl?
Yup. She’s wearing a strap-on.
Wait. HK, what gender is cake
According to the creators, he’s male.
It’s weird how some contestants sound like a male (for example, some contestants are bottle and GB) but they are actually female and they sound like a female but actually male (like cake for example)
Um… you know who voices these characters right? Is it really that weird?
starting a new bfb porn stuff now its feb 1
Do 2 from bfB and purple face or cary
*five days later*
is he still making these lol..
Nah. More effort than it’s worth.