It’s pretty much done. Yeah… I had a few ideas and got started on them.
Now, save for a few days, I’ve basically finished it.
So um… if you want to see a day or two, I wouldn’t mind sharing some. Not all of it of course, but I’ll show a few select days if requested.
So… about BFB Month 2
1.Hey heronese kingdom! i want the first two month week images, i just want umm… to look them and see if it is the thing i excepted, just that…
2.Wait, you will release it in january instead of february? like the new release date of BFB 13?
I’m not about to reveal the whole thing, but if you want a sneak preview of sorts, here’s day 4 and 5. (click the numbers)
Also, bfb returns in Janurary? Huh… about time. Also, I’ll be releasing it either February, or whenever the next bfb month is officially decided to be. As if it matters.
What the actual frick, cloudy m a s t u r b a t e d before the fucking comic.
but how he does masturbate without hands??
you know what it means! reply me!
I really don’t.
That thing he’s holding is a wiimote… ’cause they’re playing a game.
i know that (no, i didn’t know that, i stupidly thought it was some kind of remote)…
i mean if cloudy masturbated (without hands) off-screen (or more like before the comic).
I… cannot confirm nor deny that?
Oh, it’s ok heronese, but i still think that cloudy masturbated (or presumably did something else) off-screen and before the comic.
Are you fine?
Yes, why do you ask?
I literally have said nothing to imply I wouldn’t be.
Basketball X Grassy finally coming? :O
Alex, piss off. Seriously. I’m done dealing with your bullshit. You upload my porn to youtube, and now you have the nerve to ask me to make a drawing for you? I honestly can’t stand you.
Stop commenting, or I’m revoking your ability to comment at all.
Yeah, Alex. Get out of here.
Alex go fuck off with ur shitty ass ships with big balls and smol plant bois
He really is the worst.
oh wow. is there anything else that he did that was shitty?
Back on r34, he’d bombard artists with furcorn x pompom requests (I still have this image which is a compilation of his incessant requests.). Not only that, but he’d flood the msm tag with shitty ms paint garbage (which I’m convinced he believes is artistic mastery).
And to top it off, we found out he’d been uploading our porn to fucking YOUTUBE. It took literal MONTHS before the videos were removed, the whole while it was artists like me that were getting heat for this shit HE did. It was beyond infuriating.
I tried to be patient with him, but he never listened. Never once have I seen him apologize. Never once have I seen him own up to any of the shitty things he’s done. He’s the most entitled little prick I’ve ever come across, and it pains me to know that he’s still on my site.
Shut up alex
Only pencil can be a superior ship
I’m ready for them to come out
Same. But here’s a little something to hold you over until then. (3)
(let’s keep this between us… and anyone else who happens to read this comment)
I was hoping you could make the scrapped ideas from this year when your done with next year
Personally, I’ve been waiting for this for a while, and I don’t want to be spoiled. Perhaps you can do some other BFB related NSFW in the meantime to hype it up…? Like once every week or so and say “x weeks until BFB month 2” or so?
Maybe I can throw some sketch type things in the comments, but I’m not planning on milking this thing. It’s not that special.
Also, here’s day 2. It’s the start of a recurring plotline. I planned it out around Halloween, so I had lots of costume ideas and such.
Uh, it’s very special to the BFDI fandom. You’re probably the most well known person who does BFB NSFW thanks to Google Searches.
So, there are some nsfw days and some sfw days?
Pretty much, yeah.
Can you show us the sfw ones?
What, all of them? They make up roughly half, I can’t just do that all at once.
Hey, HK! is winner, hello kevin, purple face, tune, waffle & lego brick in the next BFB month week? (i know that sotp sign is there in day 2 ;))
Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, and nope.
In fact, that’s not even Sotp sign. Take another look at that text color.
ohh, then, who’s him?
I want people who read the comic to figure it out. Giving it away would be kind of ruining the discovery.
…ok, i guess?
Where is eraser in bfb month 2?
Day 23
with Pen and Eggy
NSFW? It is… nsfw?
it is sfw, better
Day 23 is nsfw.
Hey, is day 18… NSFW???
Eh. A bit. No porn, but it’s got dirty talk.
oh, ok… can you, please show me it??
i just want to know what it is about (i think something related to pewdiepie vs t-ga- i mean, t-series)
It’s not.
Just unveiled day 13, so no.
oh, ok x2
To celebrate the new year, let’s drop a new teaser.
Gonna skip ahead a bit. Here’s day 13!
Not only that, but I’m also putting out some extras. Here’s an alt for day 4, and a continuation of day 2. (part 2)
i knew that alt for day 4, lol (i just noticed that in the url it said ‘v1’ then i replaced the ‘1’ with ‘2’. then pop! that same alt appeared).
also, i didn’t know the part 2 of day 2, lol.
If leafy hit someday, can you make her trans
She’s not in a nsfw day
Can you make few girl trans like for example, teardrop?
Well, her genitals aren’t going to be showing (sfw day), but if you want, you can imagine her to be trans.
Can one day be selfsuck
Well, the month is pretty much done, and none of the days are selfsuck, so… no?
This is cancer
If you say so.
is lollipop & also taco in a nsfw or sfw day? (i am just asking)
Nope. Neither are.
what do you mean? (n)sfw?
They’re both in sfw days.
It’s been a few days, so here’s a new teaser. Day 17.
Here’s another teaser: Day 6
This is cancer.
no, your mum is cancer
I guess a lazy comment deserves as lazy a response.
Time to drop a new teaser, I guess.
Here’s day 9.
I LOVE how clock’s personality it’s (almost) 100% out of character! xD
And basketball’s and possibly pillow’s personality too (i guess)
It’s February
(not spam)
Not for me, it’s still January in my time zone.
i was there when bfb month 2 week 1 was just created. So yeah
Ok, I now know sotp sign is lollipop. no hate pls
Why sex
Eh, because I guess.