Meh, I can bang out sketches in a reasonable amount of time. It’s been a while since my last contribution so I’m just putting something up. Link here. (contains pr0n)
Purble Place

Anyone remember this game? The cake game? That mastermind-esque character building game? Those were some fun times.
Drop Dead

Never heard of this, but it looks like the kind of game I’d play as a kid. It’s quite similar to a ragdoll game with blood and violence I used to play on AddictingGames, but I don’t remember the name. Flash is dead so I couldn’t try it out though.
Sea Fairy x Moonlight

As you might know, I used to make lots of Cookie Run stuff. Someone wanted some more CR stuff, so I re-sketched one of my old unfinished drawings.
Cole x Samurai

No one requested this. There’s just still a criminally low amount of r34 for this game. And until that changes, I’ll be here, I guess.
Quick questions:
Will these become actual, finished drawings?
Do you have other sets related to these sketches?
I like all of them :3
Maybe? Probably not.
No sets in progress at the moment.
So no fakemon drawing?
I’m fine if you don’t wanna draw it, just want to know if it’s gonna be done or not.
Guess not. Fakemon, despite looking similar to Pokemon, sort of have that OC feel to me.
well that’s unfortunate. Best of luck for the future however.
Herbert and Elizabeth are the first Drop Dead characters to get Rule 34.
What’s next? King and Princess from the third game? (And yes the third game was popular cause of… something)
A. I don’t know what they look like. None of the videos I saw showcased all the characters and I can’t play the game.
And B. the novelty’s kind of gone now. I mean, I don’t have a super strong connection to the series, after all.
Well if you play Drop Dead remains and create a level where a big gun shoots a static Skeleton, you would’ve gotten all the characters unlocked by now.
Are the sketches gonna be done soon?
Or are you still taking a break?
I don’t always finish sketches, so I dunno.
And to be honest, college is rough right now. Midterms and all. I’ll get back to drawing when I have time, I absolutely have some ideas for things to draw.