I’ve had this one done for a while now. (Not sure why I waited so long to post this…) Kobolds are just fun to concept. I don’t know how fitting a character like this would be in terms of lore. (Also I notice I didn’t add it above, but she’s a ranger (though class plays less a role in forming her character than her race)
I have small handful of characters left to post, but after that I doubt I’ll be making too many more.
Maybe I just never found the right group, but I’m not huge into the gameplay of D&D. Rping can be fun, but if it doesn’t pay off, then well…
Most of the time, it feels [we in the group are] just treading water with little progression. It’s like a filler arc or something. Maybe I just making characters with a story in mind.
For Kefa and other characters I make, I like to think of possible ending to her arc. That doesn’t mean death, just a conclusion of sorts. Some character moment that can result in an exit of sorts.
Rambling over, I have tons of D&D thoughts, but none are relevant to this.