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Hmm… we may have a problem here
It’s been ages since I actually watched the show. This was just something dumb that popped in my head and I wanted to get it down.
I’m not about to make a ton of OO stuff, I barely know anything about it anymore, so I don’t recommend leaving requests
EDIT: Moving my pron to baragg. We’ll see if it works out.
woopsy DaIiIaiaSsyY
toothy is a girl
Huh, never knew that.
actually toothy is boy but his voice looks like a girl so that’s why
Oh ok, that’s what I thought, but I wasn’t sure.
oh :p
LOL why object overload? that show is dead and it sucks
I remember liking Coney, and the show to an extent though it had way too many characters.
I wouldn’t say it sucks, I mean a lot of effort clearly went into it. Animation’s tough work, and it certainly looked better than other fan made object shows.
I couldn’t agree more
I get it, object over LOAD.
Uh… That wasn’t the joke.
oh ok