Ok, so I think I finally understand what this whole inktober thing means.
Like last year, I “participated”, I just didn’t do it right.
To be honest, I was hesitant about participating (I heard some… not so great things were going on involving copyright… but I don’t monetize this site, so whatever?), but I’ve been slacking on the art front, and inking a couple sketches seems like a decent way to add to my yearly art count.
Instead of uploading to separate pages, I figured I’d just update THIS page in bunches at the end of each week.
UPDATE: Swapped out the old images with proper scans. These papers are slightly larger than the scanner though, so some bits may get cut off, but I’ll try to minimize that.
Days 1-3 are pron and contain… some tonal creatures that I can’t show here. So we’ll skip them.

Day 4: Radio: The radio isn’t really a focus here, but I don’t really do these for the challenge. I do these so I can draw things I want to draw. The promt is basically a bottom line kind of thing. And what I wanted to draw something with Mae and Mom, just chillin’.
Dayt 5: Blade: Yo Minecraft in Smash! (Just in case you needed even more help dating this artwork)

Days 6-7: Humble small time mousey hanging out at a rich friend’s place. One of these took significantly longer than the other… I wonder if you can guess which one that was.
Days 8, 11, and 12 are more pron, so no go there.

Days 9-10: Two series I’ve wanted to make fanart for for a while. But I’ve never really done. But now that I found the excuse to, I did. Throw was a lot easier to come up with something to draw. After all, it’s kind of tough to draw something that resembles “hope”. But I figured someone’s wants and desires can give them hope. Hope to persevere. Something like that.

Days 13-14: I still haven’t played Journey… But it fits the dune theme so well…
And nothing screams “armor’ like the immovable force that is the Teutonic knight.

Day 15 Outpost: I couldn’t really think of much, so I used my own game as reference (I really do want to go back finish my update for it… someday I will) And yeah… wildebeasts are gonna prove to be a problem…

Days 16-17 Rocket & Storm: I still love this show. And now that S3 is back, I have another excuse to draw ducks in space!

Days 18-20 Trap, Dizzy, Coral: [Disclaimer: I think the term trap might be offensive… I don’t really know. I just used the term as an excuse to draw an anthro Tydal Waive] Time for a Pokemon post. I’ve always had fun drawing anthro stuff (I’m not good at it mind you), but while working on this Tydal Waive pic, the next two seemed like they might fit some theme. Working on his fingers though… I realized why I like having an undo button. Maybe I should’ve doubled down on the 4 finger thing. Also Corsola’s horns are too short. : p
Days 21-22 are more nsfw

Days 23-25 Rip, Dig, and Buddy: I do love me some continuity. When I see the opportunity, I go for it. I think this set is very Halloween. Spooky graveyard, necromancy, hooded figure, and skeletons!

Days 30-31 Ominous, Crawl: And as a final note to this October set, how about something nice and spooky.
I was going to make it more gorey and stuff, but I wanted to keep it sfw. (I don’t know if this still is but oh well)