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Here’s an idea for a mod I had in my head but quickly gave up on when I realized A. I don’t really* know how to mod, and B. I don’t really* know how compose.
*I’ve had some experience but haven’t produced anything super successful.
The main opponent is an aspiring teen idol with dreams of stardom. (I had her pegged around 14 or so? I want her to seem naive, not dumb. More blinded by ambition than carelessness.) In this battle, she’s fighting to keep her job and her soul.
“The Agent” as she goes by, is the hellspawn demon agent we all know they are, just in a more literal sense, hence the soul binding contract. I gave her a look akin to Dad who I think she could be tied to as his past agent. (Maybe she got fired for breaking contract?) The opportunity to connect this to the main lore is there is what I’m saying. though unnecessary.
As far the mod itself, I have a rough concept of what it could be like. Bf is anonymously called to an abandoned subway where he’s called upon by the agent to do battle with her client. I’d imagine it’d be relatively easy. (And that’d be the point. The Agent is using bf’s skill against Star.)
I don’t have any future plans for this though. I’ve tried my hand at modding before, and it’s kinda tricky.
fnf vs king heron full week when
Probably never. FNF modding is getting a bit oversaturated and I don’t have the free time to learn to do it myself.
Imagine this turns into a real FNF mod :0