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Now that the Ultramoon Nuzlocke is done, I’d like to share some stuff I’d… worked on yet never really finished. (I don’t exactly plan to either)

If it wasn’t clear, this was really really shitpost-y. No structure, but it did make it quick to produce. (I mean, playing the game still took a while)

But just because I never finished this “comic”, that doesn’t mean I didn’t complete the run. I ended up losing Ricky some time before the Elise gym battle. Before that fight I caught a Mincinno I named Elly, (and maybe a few others? I can’t quite remember, maybe I’ll open up the file and update this page) It doesn’t matter really. I ended up losing pretty much my whole team to Elise. She practically fucking wiped me. The only one I had left was Mike. After that I caught another Mincinno I called Ellie as a kind of memorial to Elly. But then I lost Ellie on a (triple?) battle on the bridge to the 5th gym. I think I lost Mike just after getting there, as I was looking for a route to rebuild my team.
A bit of a bleak end, but that’s why this is sometimes called Hard mode, right?

It’s weird to this I used this sheet to document deaths and yet I didn’t even complete that.
And now for an even less complete adventure. One of Pokemon Pearl…

I didn’t even get a chance to pick a Pokemon for this run.
Hell, I didn’t even complete one page of this one… It’s honestly less of a comic and more of an adventure comic (from what this looks like, at least). My finalized Ultramoon Nuzlocke I think, feels like a mix of the minimal structure of my failed Black run and my barely started Pearl run.