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Old Attachments
So… the Ducks still have that arm right? I wondered if it would ever come back.

Pigmarital Issues
I’m sure the writers had this nugget in mind, but… y’know. Kid’s show.
I always get a kick out of seeing those background faces again and again. I think the woman’s name is Sowvanna. Not sure about the guy.

Wittle Ma
I mean… she’s got a lot of children. They have to have come from somewhere.

Background Duck
Speaking of background characters… I doubt anyone else will do anything with her, so I jumped on it.
I mean… rule 34, right?
Welp, series finale came and went. Really wish it got another season, but it was a great show nonetheless. Overall, I think I’ve gotten a bit better at matching the show’s proportions maybe. I look at my other pieces and yeah. Some issues there.
Anyways, see it here: Contains cub/avian chick stuff