I enjoy creating content. Whether I'm drawing, animating, coding, or writing, it's all for personal satisfaction. I should mention my site contains content that is considered "not safe for work", so keep that in mind, I suppose.
heres a little countryball joke (i know your not familiar with this shit just calm down and dont confuse yourself)
Romania: Hey Hungary! Wanna hear a joke?
Hungary: Uh yeah sure
Romania: Transylvania
Hungary: What? I dont get it
Romania: Yeah you will never get it! Hahaha
This may be useless information but while on a livestream of one of the bfb animators animating (with of course, the animation hidden), the chat went from ships, to NSFW, then for a bit, to mention you and being angry at you because of their opinion on ships
I responded to the hate messages by saying that I knew your work before you started drawing bfb, though I don’t think anyone paid attention to me, lol
I remember ya, Angie. Good to hear from ya again! : D
And I wouldn’t worry about people bashing me. Honestly, it’s probably my fault for not google search proofing my site. (Heck if I know how to do that though).
After all, that’s what so-called-fans are best at right? Complaining? ; )
Did you know that female objects can also have tentacles? i mean, what the heck is wrong with rule 34? i also discovered that a new rule 34 feetish started. male objects with female genitals? female objects with male genitals?? that’s like rule 63? i just, don’t know so much about it…
I was looking up some bfb thing and i saw the loser one and i was shooketh to the bone. I knew bfb nsfw existed but i didn’t think i would see it. Huh. I only watch bfb because a person i wanna be friends with likes it so i thought it might help with conversation and tbh i kinda like it more than i was expecting. Now I’m stuck in a hiatus. I’m commenting because I’ve been reading your replies to other comments and you seem like a really chill dude so i decided to leave my life story. I’m really tired so this probably isn’t very coherent but i hope you have a lovely day.
Also yeah, I enjoy bfb as well, but I do think its unstructured, delay-heavy schedule does hurt the series more than help. : /
On the other hand, if you’re feeling in a rut since the show’s on hiatus, I’d recommend picking up a new series to latch on to. By the time you’re done binging another series, bfb’ll probably be back.
also, in the very next bfb month week i want bomby and eggy to be in a sfw day for the first time ever, or else i will cut your d i c k in very tiny s l i c e s…
Hey Heronese… I’ve been noticing people.. Or someone is taking all your nsfw art from your baraag (Especially the BFB art) and they’re posting it on ‘Rule34’ are you okay with that? Because they are crediting you and declaring you as the original owner of the artwork, but the problem is that images from Rule34 can be shown across the internet and can be seen almost all globally.. That includes google images, and I know you don’t like that so.. Yeah 🙁
Just so you should know. You can talk to the admins on Rule34 about it, or I can help you?
Oh and for the record, I figured out how to get a PFP!! 🙂 (thanks to Rule34)
Again, I should reiterate, my issue is when my stuff appears on safe search. Not just google. Paheal (and I’d hope baraag) are not on safe search so I’m fine with that. If you’ve been with me since the MSM days, there was in fact a time I perused the site, leaving occasional comments, and getting suggestions.
But it’s really not a pleasant place to be. Spam requests, lazy tagging… and fucking Alexbross being my (and a few other MSM artists) bane. I’ll stick to the relative comfort of this domain.
So to summarize, I’m fine with the site. It’s like a kind of archiving site. And if my stuff ends up there, so be it. All of it’s already up elsewhere anyways. At least this way, if baraag does go down, the pics will be somewhere.
But not all my stuff there is of decent quality. (Notably much of the BFB month 2 stuff is pixelated and looks really bad.)
Hmm yeah, bold of him to use MS Paint. I gave up on that program the instant I was made aware of alternatives.
I can tell this has more time put into it than well… quite frankly it probably deserves, but good on him for sticking with it. I once ran an object camp but it proved to be a huge ass undertaking.
As for my take on the show itself, I dunno. I sat through a load of these things as a dumb kid and often the videos aren’t really interesting at all. I can see this one has sideplots going on, but they seem to tie only loosely to the
event of the camp.
Plus not being able to see entries made it hard to tell what was going on during the challenges (not that I was that invested on how people broke out of home depot or anything.
Also confessions should probably not take over half the video. Which, when the “challenge” part is mostly done over PM I can understand how this happens.
tl;dr, it’s a camp. One made in MS Paint so I commend the effort, but in the end, it’s still a camp, and I’ve had my fill of those quite frankly.
Anyways, I gotta say this. Thank you for inspiring me. I don’t know if that was your cause, but I said it, so…
Alright, the reason why I am saying this is because of your BFB porn. As I was browsing through the internet, I don’t know, watching stuff, then I came across your site, took my first look at your art that, I think appeared when I searched up something BFB related, and then watching your BFB drawings that you’ve made, and I said that they we’re pretty great.
Then a month later (in August, since I watched your porn stuff in July of 2020), I decided to make my own porn book inspired by you, which, in the first months of being in the site, I tried replicating your penis styles, then started making my own. (By the way, if you want to check it out, then you might want to ask me for it)
Don’t know why I wanted to swich onto making porn, but I liked making it, and I am still doing it.
I have been waiting to say this for, like, over a year now. And I was also wondering (at the moment that I am typing this) how would you draw my OC with a penis. (Keep in mind that my OC is an object OC, which you’ll basically find in my porn book)
Oh, and by the way, a friend of mines sent me the image of “Bell Month”, and I’ve got to say, it’s really really good.
With all of that said, thank you for inspiring me.
I’m glad to hear you’ve found your calling! Though… it’s a bit of an… odd way find inspiration. (Last thing I’d call object porn is “inspiring”) But still, good for you.
Also, I’m starting up school again so less activity to be expected. I still take the time to read these when I get the chance.
Also, if you want to make a request, I’m always open to those (though I reserve the right to not do them), but I’d need a ref to go off.
Hey again man. I just saw that you released your new bloons set and just wanted to say that they all look great! I think your design for all the blimps are really well done and I like the new design for the sentry and xxxl trap a ton to. They look really good.
Thanks! I’m pretty happy with them myself!
I’m still busy this week, but I can knock out your request I think. (Though, I might add, standing missionary with two monsters with no legs is a bit of challenge, but I’ve come up with something I’m liking.)
You probably won’t see this message till tomorrow, but just finished your request! Can’t post it here, but it’s on baraag. Enjoy, and thanks for the support!
Just saw all of your new msm stuff over on baragg. It all came out awesome! I love seeing how much fun you have in the art you make. It’s always super fun.
Just saw the new stuff on baragg. It came out really awesome! I loved all of the facial expressions and thought it all looked super cute. Thanks for taking the requests!
Hey again KH. Apologies for dropping this out of nowhere but I wanted to give a really sincere thank you for the requests of mine you’ve drawn. I’ve wanted to see some of this stuff for a super long time but I don’t have an artistic bone in me and you made them a reality. Thank you so much! I really appreciate it and I really hope everything goes well for you in your personal life. Have a great night!
Hey again man. Apologies for the late message.
Just curious how things are going for you. Everything going well? Play any fun games or watch any good movies?
I got a few really fun game recommendations. Slay the Spire and Monster Train are both really fun deck building rouge lite’s. I’ve sunk a ton of hours into each of them and can always go back and try another run. If your into the genre they’re both a great time.
I’m a fan of deck building rogue lites. I’ll check those out.
That being said I still have a few in my steam library I haven’t touched so I should probably finish those first.
I have begun the long trek that is black bordering the easy maps. Do you have any hero recommendations to spice things up. Just been spamming bloon trap engies on town center for the last few hours. They are quite strong, lol.
Etienne’s affordable early game and is strong late game and gives global camo detection, saving you camo villages.
He’s the go to, but honestly, the easy maps don’t need that much in depth strategy to black border and going the same strat each time can get boring.
Gwen with lvl 17 buff, Quincy for cheap early defense, Obyn w druids or ninjas or supers, Striker + maulers and Recursives, Churchill or Ezili for late game, Brickell sub spam, Pat for the close range buff, Geraldo for flexibility.
And Psi and Sauda are usable in most situations as general bloon popping.
I don’t know how much you’d need to sac for Adora to be good, and obviously Ben is unusable.
But if you want to keep things spicy, there are oodles of fun usable strategies.
Thanks a bunch for all of the ideas. Should help to make this a ton more interesting. I’ll probs try to use a decent variety of all of them. Thanks for the advice man!
Sadly, it is awesome to see all those shiny black borders though. Gives me a sense of a job well done. Just recently used Pat well for the first time and had a blast. Was trying to beat cabin on impopable and used him in tandem with a sub armada. It was a spectacular run, lol. I really need to use him more now that I have a better idea HOW to use him. He’s just one of the hero’s that didn’t click with me at first that’s actually way more fun when coming back to.
I find all heroes fun to some extent. But for some, you really need to plan ahead of time.
Quincy’s great when Alch buffed. Gwen, Sauda, are good on their own. Psi works when map space is limited.
Ezili doesn’t get much attention, but she works great on ABR, and pairs very well with Bomb Blitz or Elite Defender, and even 002 Druids. Or if you just want to spam totem, you can pair her with Marketplace and negate the life loss entirely. And this is just me, but I like using her on Co-op where Ben is meta. His life restore cancels out the totem and means you can spam that as much as you want.
I do love Ezili, she’s super interesting to plan around. It just feels especially bad when her strats don’t work if you get late into a game. There will never be anything funnier than using her to one shot the round 100 bad though. Pure joy every time.
When would Om Nom /_(:|) come to KingHeron? I need Om Nom because he`s the most important one in you website. I supposed to post Om Nom and Sesame Street and I searched for them in March 2021.
ther is some guy named kingskulltor/keengskulltor i found his DA from his pixv he’s trying to stel your spotlight nowadays if you would talk to him that would be helpful nowadays
UHH, KH, you never go back and respond something else, you’re like a dad who goes to the store to get the milk, ALWAYS RESPONDE TO SOMEONE ELSE (I think you’re busy drawing something)
I remember seeing some of your art years ago and finding it interesting, and a lot has happened since. I remember visiting this site a few times over the years, but never doing anything. But now I take it as my chance to be an active commenter!
I can say that this place has stood the test of time for me, as it hasn’t really changed much every time I visit. There’s new art and other things among that, but the website is still exactly as I remember it. I’ve changed a lot over the time that I first found this site, for the better at times, and worse at others. Even though this place has pretty hefty amount of porn, I don’t recall ever actually looking at it for a sense of pleasure. Something about your art is just symbolic to me, and I love it. It reminds me of earlier internet drawings, back when the standard was MS Paint haha. Regardless, your art serves almost as a mental checkpoint for me, something I can always look back on whenever I feel the need to.
Ayo man, been a long while since I seen any of your stuff… You doing good nowadays? I’d hope so. Had to look your ass up on Google since I can’t seem to find your baraag, and apparently either you or some other “KingHeron” guy is being canceled??
Regardless of any of that tho, hope you’re having a good one man. Also, love your DST tree idea thing.
Keep being you, keep being the one and only king of your life.
Heya dude! And don’t worry, I’m doing good. But yeah, baraag’s been down for a bit though I presume it’ll be back up eventually.
Anyways, I’ve heard nothing about this “cancellation” thing. Besides if I am being cancelled, like… what would they have to go after? Not like any of the stuff I draw is particularly hidden. One of the benefits to not having a reputation to begin with.
Anyways, thanks for checking in. Glad to hear from ya!
first i guess
first i suppose
You’re already first. This is redundant.
comment said i did it twice so i used different wording
hey, while trying to look for a template to fanart, im back at this place, nice to see you i guess
Nice to see you too.
Don’t know what you mean by “a template to fanart” though. Mind elaborating?
redrawing a character
Oh, like a reference image? I use google for those.
hey heron guy, my deviant got banned for a joke i made saying im 5 years old
Ouch. I guess sites are pretty serious about age things when age agreements are signed.
I dunno. Maybe make another one?
dont use spare emails, and i was permanently banned
tried to reply the email they sent, still waiting for response
man im like a black cat to my self
If that doesn’t work, you might want to try making another account.
it was in my journal i said i was 5 years old in a 19 paragraph thing
wheres matone and jara
In the “My Works” tab. It’s not done, mind you.
heres a little countryball joke (i know your not familiar with this shit just calm down and dont confuse yourself)
Romania: Hey Hungary! Wanna hear a joke?
Hungary: Uh yeah sure
Romania: Transylvania
Hungary: What? I dont get it
Romania: Yeah you will never get it! Hahaha
I think I get it.
well ive been in the community for years by now so this isnt new stuff for me
my comments await moderation now 🙂
Your comments have been moderated, sir.
This may be useless information but while on a livestream of one of the bfb animators animating (with of course, the animation hidden), the chat went from ships, to NSFW, then for a bit, to mention you and being angry at you because of their opinion on ships
I responded to the hate messages by saying that I knew your work before you started drawing bfb, though I don’t think anyone paid attention to me, lol
(Heh I’m horrible at discussions)
I remember ya, Angie. Good to hear from ya again! : D
And I wouldn’t worry about people bashing me. Honestly, it’s probably my fault for not google search proofing my site. (Heck if I know how to do that though).
After all, that’s what so-called-fans are best at right? Complaining? ; )
angie welcome back i guess?
:thumb244786287: this is a thing that kept me up all night on deviantart
Is… that a comment code or something?
It’s not exactly showing anything.
do a status copy and paste that then preview it on deviant art
Huh, neat. Dancing Malk.
i was dying cause of it
im nonbinary :d
AKA: tmi
When is Bfb stuff 3 coming out?
I dunno. Not really working on it at the moment.
hey. i found a person reposting some of your bfb nsfw art on a social media called sketch.
i’ll link it to you when I get on mobile.
Thanks for the heads up!
I can’t say I’m surprised though. :/
Oh and scroll down so you can see it.
I mean the page doesn’t load for me.
Found it.
It’s giving me a bad gateway.
it’s not working? try opening the link on a mobile device.
Nope, still not opening up. Can you take a screenshot?
i have only one screenshot.
i remember them also reposing a picture of your eraser and bell nsfw, but i think it got deleted or reported by someone.
(if it doesn’t work, then i suggest getting the app.)
Uh, yeah. That image is stored on your computer. In order to share it, you’ll have to upload it to imgur or some other site.
And yeah, I don’t really plan on getting the app just for that.
oops. sorry, i don’t really know much about computer stuff.
Hey, don’t sweat it. Computer stuff is a complex web. Literally. : )
i think i got it. sorry about the trouble. heh.
Ah, I see. And hey, I appreciate the effort, lardlizard.
thanks! also, I love your bfb nsfw stuff.
Heh, I figured.
Lots of newcomers to the site are here because of the bfb stuff.
I like the fact that you gave the male objects penises instead of tentacles. it just makes more sense to me.
Did you know that female objects can also have tentacles? i mean, what the heck is wrong with rule 34? i also discovered that a new rule 34 feetish started. male objects with female genitals? female objects with male genitals?? that’s like rule 63? i just, don’t know so much about it…
Well, JARC. That’s the internet.
No, that’s not the internet, it is just many faggots.
It’s 2018, JARC. Calling people faggots is as outdated as using racial slurs.
No!! but it’s true, HK, internet was ruined by faggots and black people, like the blue waffle troll thing.
I really REALLY hope you’re joking.
Im back
Wrong email xD
hoooooooooly shit.
the same girl who posted your BFB NSFW art on Sketch reposted it MULTIPLE TIMES.
just lettin ya know
Weird. Maybe they thought it didn’t work the first time so they did it over and over.
Oh well, I don’t use Sketch.
I was looking up some bfb thing and i saw the loser one and i was shooketh to the bone. I knew bfb nsfw existed but i didn’t think i would see it. Huh. I only watch bfb because a person i wanna be friends with likes it so i thought it might help with conversation and tbh i kinda like it more than i was expecting. Now I’m stuck in a hiatus. I’m commenting because I’ve been reading your replies to other comments and you seem like a really chill dude so i decided to leave my life story. I’m really tired so this probably isn’t very coherent but i hope you have a lovely day.
Aww, thanks! You have a nice day too. 🙂
Also yeah, I enjoy bfb as well, but I do think its unstructured, delay-heavy schedule does hurt the series more than help. : /
On the other hand, if you’re feeling in a rut since the show’s on hiatus, I’d recommend picking up a new series to latch on to. By the time you’re done binging another series, bfb’ll probably be back.
idk what the discussion is for,,
but i’ll leave a random comment here ig???
Pretty much what it’s called: discussion. Someone wanted it, so I made it.
Hello, which name do you go by. Is it just “King Heron”?
I ask because I’d like to tag your name on this post: https://e621.net/post/show/1670267
By the way, if you are uncomfortable with your work being posted on e621, you can request a takedown.
Thank you!
Meh, on paheal, I’m tagged as “KH”, though technically that’s just short for KingHeron, so I’d say go with whichever.
Thank you for answering! I will use “KingHeron”.
Can you show us bfb month v2 day 1
Hey, tone it down a bit with the commenting, okay? No need to flood the site.
Also, I’m not rewarding spamming. I’ll release the next teaser later.
Back once again…
Welcome back.
cuz child abuse is very b a d
also, in the very next bfb month week i want bomby and eggy to be in a sfw day for the first time ever, or else i will cut your d i c k in very tiny s l i c e s…
Let’s not take this there.
no need for threats
huh I wish you had discord or something so we can talk
I do. I just never use it.
#9880, if you want it.
We need more than just that.
Like what?
Happy Birthday KH the childhood taker!! 🙂
Oops, I said that twice.. My bad, you can delete the first time I said it.
Hey Heronese… I’ve been noticing people.. Or someone is taking all your nsfw art from your baraag (Especially the BFB art) and they’re posting it on ‘Rule34’ are you okay with that? Because they are crediting you and declaring you as the original owner of the artwork, but the problem is that images from Rule34 can be shown across the internet and can be seen almost all globally.. That includes google images, and I know you don’t like that so.. Yeah 🙁
Just so you should know. You can talk to the admins on Rule34 about it, or I can help you?
Oh and for the record, I figured out how to get a PFP!! 🙂 (thanks to Rule34)
Again, I should reiterate, my issue is when my stuff appears on safe search. Not just google. Paheal (and I’d hope baraag) are not on safe search so I’m fine with that. If you’ve been with me since the MSM days, there was in fact a time I perused the site, leaving occasional comments, and getting suggestions.
But it’s really not a pleasant place to be. Spam requests, lazy tagging… and fucking Alexbross being my (and a few other MSM artists) bane. I’ll stick to the relative comfort of this domain.
So to summarize, I’m fine with the site. It’s like a kind of archiving site. And if my stuff ends up there, so be it. All of it’s already up elsewhere anyways. At least this way, if baraag does go down, the pics will be somewhere.
But not all my stuff there is of decent quality. (Notably much of the BFB month 2 stuff is pixelated and looks really bad.)
And neat.
https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLc4MB5R-5o4-Y8xh8tUQfzHyRHHdncJeh So my friend wanted me to show you his object camp, MS Pain (An object show but a proper competition instead of a animated series). It starts off as a joke, but slowly becomes more serious.
Hmm yeah, bold of him to use MS Paint. I gave up on that program the instant I was made aware of alternatives.
I can tell this has more time put into it than well… quite frankly it probably deserves, but good on him for sticking with it. I once ran an object camp but it proved to be a huge ass undertaking.
As for my take on the show itself, I dunno. I sat through a load of these things as a dumb kid and often the videos aren’t really interesting at all. I can see this one has sideplots going on, but they seem to tie only loosely to the
event of the camp.
Plus not being able to see entries made it hard to tell what was going on during the challenges (not that I was that invested on how people broke out of home depot or anything.
Also confessions should probably not take over half the video. Which, when the “challenge” part is mostly done over PM I can understand how this happens.
tl;dr, it’s a camp. One made in MS Paint so I commend the effort, but in the end, it’s still a camp, and I’ve had my fill of those quite frankly.
Oh hey.
Just wanted to wish you a happy birthday since it should be yours today (If you wanna know how I know, your deviantart).
From Snoly22. (Also my birthday is only 2 days apart from yours lol)
Hey, this site has been pretty dead lately.
Anyways, I gotta say this. Thank you for inspiring me. I don’t know if that was your cause, but I said it, so…
Alright, the reason why I am saying this is because of your BFB porn. As I was browsing through the internet, I don’t know, watching stuff, then I came across your site, took my first look at your art that, I think appeared when I searched up something BFB related, and then watching your BFB drawings that you’ve made, and I said that they we’re pretty great.
Then a month later (in August, since I watched your porn stuff in July of 2020), I decided to make my own porn book inspired by you, which, in the first months of being in the site, I tried replicating your penis styles, then started making my own. (By the way, if you want to check it out, then you might want to ask me for it)
Don’t know why I wanted to swich onto making porn, but I liked making it, and I am still doing it.
I have been waiting to say this for, like, over a year now. And I was also wondering (at the moment that I am typing this) how would you draw my OC with a penis. (Keep in mind that my OC is an object OC, which you’ll basically find in my porn book)
Oh, and by the way, a friend of mines sent me the image of “Bell Month”, and I’ve got to say, it’s really really good.
With all of that said, thank you for inspiring me.
I’m glad to hear you’ve found your calling! Though… it’s a bit of an… odd way find inspiration. (Last thing I’d call object porn is “inspiring”) But still, good for you.
Also, I’m starting up school again so less activity to be expected. I still take the time to read these when I get the chance.
Also, if you want to make a request, I’m always open to those (though I reserve the right to not do them), but I’d need a ref to go off.
Anyways, thanks for the kind words!
Do you watch South Park?
I plan to… eventually…
There are a lot of things I want to watch but just don’t have the time to.
Hey man, hope the project you had due today went well. Good luck on the rest of your stuff.
Thanks. And yeah, things went well.
That’s great to hear!
Hey again man. I just saw that you released your new bloons set and just wanted to say that they all look great! I think your design for all the blimps are really well done and I like the new design for the sentry and xxxl trap a ton to. They look really good.
Thanks! I’m pretty happy with them myself!
I’m still busy this week, but I can knock out your request I think. (Though, I might add, standing missionary with two monsters with no legs is a bit of challenge, but I’ve come up with something I’m liking.)
Thanks a ton! I’m really looking forward to seeing it. Good luck with everything else you have and thanks for doing the request.
You probably won’t see this message till tomorrow, but just finished your request! Can’t post it here, but it’s on baraag. Enjoy, and thanks for the support!
That came out absolutely awesome! Thank you so much. This is adorable and basically exactly what I was hoping for.
Glad to hear it!
They’re both so incredibly cute together! Really, thank you so much. Good luck on the rest of your finals!
Hey again, how did finals treat ya? Hope everything went well for you!
Just about done! I think things went well.
Thats awesome! Hope your life starts to clear up then.
Pretty much free now yeah.
Nice and glad to hear! Enjoy your free time while it lasts man.
Just saw all of your new msm stuff over on baragg. It all came out awesome! I love seeing how much fun you have in the art you make. It’s always super fun.
Thanks! I’ve got some free time right now. You wanna make a req or two?
Oh, yeah if thats ok. I’ll think on some overnight and let you know.
Hey KH. I was curious as to what your majoring in. I’m doing multimedia stuff, basically just graphic design with extra steps.
English. Nothing special really. But I am doing many classes outside the major which I find more interesting.
Fair, personally super happy to have all of my English classes finished. I can’t stand writing papers.
I used to suck at writing, but I think I’ve gotten better… by necessity. In a way, I’m glad, but it wasn’t a fun journey to get there.
That’s a super healthy way of looking at it. At least it did manage to give you skills that your happy to have now.
Well I hope your enjoying your free time. We all need a break from college tedium every now and again.
Just saw the new stuff on baragg. It came out really awesome! I loved all of the facial expressions and thought it all looked super cute. Thanks for taking the requests!
Yeah, no problem. Glad you enjoyed them.
Hey again KH. Apologies for dropping this out of nowhere but I wanted to give a really sincere thank you for the requests of mine you’ve drawn. I’ve wanted to see some of this stuff for a super long time but I don’t have an artistic bone in me and you made them a reality. Thank you so much! I really appreciate it and I really hope everything goes well for you in your personal life. Have a great night!
Yeah, no problem. It’s no hair off my back, but I appreciate the thanks. And I’m glad to make your day brighter with something I can make.
Hey again man. Apologies for the late message.
Just curious how things are going for you. Everything going well? Play any fun games or watch any good movies?
Things are going pretty well. As for games and movies, not really. I really should though. While I got the time, y’know.
Why? Got an recommendations?
I got a few really fun game recommendations. Slay the Spire and Monster Train are both really fun deck building rouge lite’s. I’ve sunk a ton of hours into each of them and can always go back and try another run. If your into the genre they’re both a great time.
I’m a fan of deck building rogue lites. I’ll check those out.
That being said I still have a few in my steam library I haven’t touched so I should probably finish those first.
That’s fair. If you do end up checking them out I hope you enjoy them.
Just watched your samurai slice video. It all came out really good man.
I have begun the long trek that is black bordering the easy maps. Do you have any hero recommendations to spice things up. Just been spamming bloon trap engies on town center for the last few hours. They are quite strong, lol.
Etienne’s affordable early game and is strong late game and gives global camo detection, saving you camo villages.
He’s the go to, but honestly, the easy maps don’t need that much in depth strategy to black border and going the same strat each time can get boring.
Gwen with lvl 17 buff, Quincy for cheap early defense, Obyn w druids or ninjas or supers, Striker + maulers and Recursives, Churchill or Ezili for late game, Brickell sub spam, Pat for the close range buff, Geraldo for flexibility.
And Psi and Sauda are usable in most situations as general bloon popping.
I don’t know how much you’d need to sac for Adora to be good, and obviously Ben is unusable.
But if you want to keep things spicy, there are oodles of fun usable strategies.
Thanks a bunch for all of the ideas. Should help to make this a ton more interesting. I’ll probs try to use a decent variety of all of them. Thanks for the advice man!
No problem! With games as long as Chimps runs, you need some variety or the game begins to feel samey.
Sadly, it is awesome to see all those shiny black borders though. Gives me a sense of a job well done. Just recently used Pat well for the first time and had a blast. Was trying to beat cabin on impopable and used him in tandem with a sub armada. It was a spectacular run, lol. I really need to use him more now that I have a better idea HOW to use him. He’s just one of the hero’s that didn’t click with me at first that’s actually way more fun when coming back to.
I find all heroes fun to some extent. But for some, you really need to plan ahead of time.
Quincy’s great when Alch buffed. Gwen, Sauda, are good on their own. Psi works when map space is limited.
Ezili doesn’t get much attention, but she works great on ABR, and pairs very well with Bomb Blitz or Elite Defender, and even 002 Druids. Or if you just want to spam totem, you can pair her with Marketplace and negate the life loss entirely. And this is just me, but I like using her on Co-op where Ben is meta. His life restore cancels out the totem and means you can spam that as much as you want.
I do love Ezili, she’s super interesting to plan around. It just feels especially bad when her strats don’t work if you get late into a game. There will never be anything funnier than using her to one shot the round 100 bad though. Pure joy every time.
Hey again man. I was curious if you would want to be friends on msm. My code is 98959236JG if you’re interested.
Friends in msm don’t really mean anything though.
I don’t even bother with wishing torches anymore.
Fair, keys are basically worthless after so long, lol.
I honestly just like looking at other people’s islands.
Mine are just money farms. There’s nothing particularly impressive.
I gotcha and I understand.
When would Om Nom /_(:|) come to KingHeron? I need Om Nom because he`s the most important one in you website. I supposed to post Om Nom and Sesame Street and I searched for them in March 2021.
I found your ifunny profile
Doubtful considering I don’t use ifunny.
King heron isn’t a rare name. It’s combination of two cool words.
ther is some guy named kingskulltor/keengskulltor i found his DA from his pixv he’s trying to stel your spotlight nowadays if you would talk to him that would be helpful nowadays
What? I don’t understand. Is he doing something in any way related to me?
yez he is nowadays he dew ccraphyy cdesprak pon ajd ge is trying to steel your nayme but insted of hern it’s skulltr
I don’t really see the connection, honestly
hut but bht he dreew crapy code spark ponr
ajd he try to steel your naymee he knock off of yu
yu should file fr defmation
he’s relly bad at artt c for youreself on hs pixv KingSkulltor
he als put stupwid KS ij corner of phroto like h tryina copy u or smtn,,,,,,
Well, I found the pixiv, but I still don’t see what you’re talking about.
Also, is this a troll? I feel like I’m being trolled.
It no trol he tryan steel yojr iidentity nwadays
yu shuld talk to him abt this nowadays
he als hadd leakd plan now delted to ruinn yuor reputasion
y arnt yu repsonding kinhergon dis wierd gyu trynna steel yuor identify nowadays,,,,,,,, .,,.,
UHH, KH, you never go back and respond something else, you’re like a dad who goes to the store to get the milk, ALWAYS RESPONDE TO SOMEONE ELSE (I think you’re busy drawing something)
Um, yeah. I don’t owe you a response.
I remember seeing some of your art years ago and finding it interesting, and a lot has happened since. I remember visiting this site a few times over the years, but never doing anything. But now I take it as my chance to be an active commenter!
I can say that this place has stood the test of time for me, as it hasn’t really changed much every time I visit. There’s new art and other things among that, but the website is still exactly as I remember it. I’ve changed a lot over the time that I first found this site, for the better at times, and worse at others. Even though this place has pretty hefty amount of porn, I don’t recall ever actually looking at it for a sense of pleasure. Something about your art is just symbolic to me, and I love it. It reminds me of earlier internet drawings, back when the standard was MS Paint haha. Regardless, your art serves almost as a mental checkpoint for me, something I can always look back on whenever I feel the need to.
Thank you for creating, keep creating <3
I’m assuming you are born in the 2000s.
Possibly. What led you to that conclusion, lol?
Job of my dreams: being a secretary
U did a game about that, thank you so much loved it~~~~
pfft, one of these days I’ll get back into game development and I’ll improve all those old games I think. I dunno when that’ll be though.
Ayo man, been a long while since I seen any of your stuff… You doing good nowadays? I’d hope so. Had to look your ass up on Google since I can’t seem to find your baraag, and apparently either you or some other “KingHeron” guy is being canceled??
Regardless of any of that tho, hope you’re having a good one man. Also, love your DST tree idea thing.
Keep being you, keep being the one and only king of your life.
Heya dude! And don’t worry, I’m doing good. But yeah, baraag’s been down for a bit though I presume it’ll be back up eventually.
Anyways, I’ve heard nothing about this “cancellation” thing. Besides if I am being cancelled, like… what would they have to go after? Not like any of the stuff I draw is particularly hidden. One of the benefits to not having a reputation to begin with.
Anyways, thanks for checking in. Glad to hear from ya!