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So um… remember all those years back when I made a bunch of shitty Hearthstone cards? Some were way too strong. Many were pretty useless.
I’ve since stopped playing Hearthstone (When every meta deck annoys you, there’s little reason to play) but I still like workshopping fake cards. And I’ve been making shitty bloons fake cards since… I dunno a while back.
Forgot about them for a bit, but I decided to compile some of these and maybe I’ll finish this later and who knows how balanced they’ll be, but the game’s long since pushed its own power curve so whatever. Still I tried to make things fair-ish.

Vill stuff. Vills are support and y’know. Some of the text might end up being pretty small.

And some Farm stuff. Are Bananas meta? Ah well, let’s make them better.

Um… Spac next? I dunno.