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I said I’d make some bonus content and well here it is. And first up…

Sniper x Camo Regrow Fortified Red
I drew a camo regrow fortified red in the orginal set with the BAD. The design kind of represents how I’d camo-fy, regrow-fy, or fortify my other designs. Thus I think it’s fair for Sniper, an cheap camo popper to show up here.

Support Anthros
Full size Link (Gotta say, getting kind of tired of pasting links)
Remember when the ice tower was a white circle? In the long past era of BTD5, the ice tower was officially anthrofied. Glue gunner could maybe be seen as an anthrofied monkey glue, but eh… These I just figured I’d make, and who knows. Maybe something like a village but monkey form could make its way into future games. Monkey chieftain to replace the village? Maybe the banana farmer itself can generate cash? And I’m still thinking Tack and Spac could be turned to mechs relatively easily.

MOAB Dominated
When I chose boomer for the green pic, I did not make that decision lightly. I already knew the plan back then was one tower for each bloon with no repeats, slowly moving up in tier. But I also REALLY wanted a MOAB domination to be dominating a moab. I stuck with boomer since nothing else seemed very fitting (could’ve gone with btd1 theme, but I wanted to save bomb for black, ice for white, and super for BAD).
In the end, I made this a bonus pic and I’m pretty happy with it. I stuck with a very particular shading method for the monkeys and bloons. Only adding highlights, but for this pic, I gave it a more typical shading. (MOAB’s shading is pretty minimalistic, but I think the dom fits in here)

What the Heli, man?
And finally, the only monkey who hasn’t appeared up to this point.
Full Set (Added bonus content):
Sniper x Camo Regrow Fortified Red
Baraag post: (Contains monkey x blimp stuff)
And finally I made a giant ass png with every sketch I’ve made for this series. Something I wouldn’t dare try if not for the pixel art style I used. Because of that, this file, 3500 by 11000 pixels wasn’t even a megabyte. Crazy.
Link to full sketch page.
So… I guess that’s it? Well… maybe.
Obvious there’s the big bosses, and the idea was the pair them up with the paragons… but of course those haven’t all been released yet. So until they are I’ve got some breathing room. I could also do something with that golden bloon thing… or more anthros of things like apaches, or perma spikes, MIBs, who knows. My options are open is what I’m saying, but for now I’ve got other things to do.
Till then.
I’ve been loving your designs for the monkeys and bloons. The monkey ace and the banana farm are both super cute. Awesome work!
Thanks! I’m happy with them, but it’s good to hear others like them as well.