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Did someone say BFB month 3?
Some have asked (despite my lukewarm feelings for the show atm)
Anyways… Everyone fuck bell! Bell bottoms! Suck my bells! More shitty puns!
Hell with this I got better shit to do.
Happy April Fools.
(Why’d I waste 3 hours on this?)
See it here.
EDIT: Aaand it’s not even April… and April has 30 days not 31. Oh well, I was tired and not really taking this seriously… March fools I guess?
hey i dont understand the part where bell says i love dik
wasnt she like, not consenting to having sex?
It was some hypnosis stuff, not that I’m an expert on that stuff.
Not gonna lie, it’s still hot ngl. Keep up, someday!
(Also, would Taggy have a dick or a vag in your opinion?)
(Heh, the questions I get asked…)
Not really sure. Maybe dick, since I’m still trying to wrap my head around flat chars w vags anyways, like where do they lead to?
Well, you made Foldy with a vag back in 2018 (Also, personally Taggy’s a girl, so yeah)
If I recall Satomi said on twitter that Price tag along with Winner are non-binary.
Huh, what a coincidence.