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So um… I think the proper term for this is uh… an AU? Alternate universe or something… well anyways I got bored and doodled some anthro bfb chars. But y’know, I wanted a theme. So they’re students, and sort of fit into traditional archetype-thing… I dunno. I may not make more of these, so let’s get started.

Let’s start with Saw. I wanted to include both her designs (handles). Based on how she acts in BFB, she seems like she’d go along with whatever her friends wanted. A follower, if you will. Like, if Lollipop and Taco wanted to cut class for whatever reason, she’d go along to not be the odd one out. Her clothes have a torn look to mimic the sharpness of the saw blades.

You can’t really have a school setting without the classic judgy mean girl. Tried to make her taller, but she’s sort of… not as tall as I wanted her to be. Eh. Lollipop is weirdly entrepreneurial in the show, but that’s an odd trait to share with pompousness. For her, I feel like she’d cut class out of spite. Maybe the teacher gave her a C? I dunno, it’d be a skip out of “protest”. Protesting the low quality of teachers. Naturally Saw would be right by her side. Saw wouldn’t really need a reason and may just follow along.

(She looks weirdly like a working girl… not my intention, but whatever) Barf Bag is usually Lollipop’s target for having a barf brain or something… But that’s not how real life works, so here I made it a class thing. Like… BB is actually homeless, hence the dirt and grime. Her clothes may just be rags, to be visually similar to a barf bag. I get the sense that she doesn’t actually go to class, since she’s not enrolled, or because she can’t afford to go. But she hangs around the lunchroom since she can blend in and get free food from pals like Spongy, who probably has a lot to spare.

Taco seems like she’d be an active student. I don’t see her as particularly studious, but I get the sense she probably wouldn’t care either. I’m not entirely sure why she’s friends with Lollipop and Saw, but considering how quickly everyone turned on her in BFB 3, maybe it was a strained relationship prior. Here, let’s say she tags along with them cutting class because class is boring. Then she runs ahead as Lollipop and Saw follow, finds the best ice cream place, and the three get snacks. Something like that. I dunno, the cutting class thing just works for me when trying to find out who does what when.
She probably does well in gym. I threw a T shirt and shorts on her. And sneakers, sort of tomboyish look, (though I’m not sure if that term’s outdated or not).

Let’s finish off with Gaty, who’s usually just… there. I don’t think people dislike her (some definitely do, but I don’t think it’s a strong feeling either way). But I did pick up on a few things about her. She’s not afraid to speak her mind, and the biggest thing, she fears getting punished, like… a lot. She cries at the prospect of getting eliminated. So here, she’s the student who doesn’t cut class. She talks with Lollipop, Saw, and Taco if they’re in class. She maybe hangs with them out of class, maybe… But the difference is that if they decide to leave, she considers it, but doesn’t leave the room. Maybe she’s in an asian household and desperately fears detention. Regardless she stays put.
The way I like to see it, she’s the anime girl who you can easily tell is NOT the main character. Understated, but clearly has her own goals. But also not the quiet girl (TD), she’s talkative, just not willing to break any rules. I.E, she’s not exactly proactive. I also don’t think she’s that smart. Reasonable, and grounded… but not very academic. I drew her getting distracted with an empty page of notes. I think she does what’s assigned, but isn’t great at it.
Ahh finally! some good old sfw bfb art!! I love the fact you humanized some of the female characters. Amazing!! 🙂
Thanks bud. I had fun making them too.
Yknow,i think your art is great!Even if im not a fan of your NSFW (i dont like NSFW at all) i still like your SFW art.Keep up the good work!
Thanks! I really appreciate that. I actually do like making sfw stuff too, but it’s nice that there’s someone who likes seeing it too.
(Poor choice in email though, though I presume it’s not real)
I know it’s literally been a year but i’ve come to tell you it’s not real.
Good to know.