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This may seem like a weird place to post this kind of thing. And it is. This site is by no means a gaming site. But I am a person who plays games, and when the game offers me a way to be creative, well… If it helps, I’ll just limit all my ACNH stuff to this one post.
So how would I describe this playthrough? Well, in a word: suggestive. That’s sort of the joke, started by the face of the villager named Leni. Let’s get started! (I’m tagging this with a tentative “sfw”, but this sort of straddles the line)
Day 0: AKA, The tutorial day. Not much to talk about for this day, so let’s just get into (heh) my starting villagers. Tom, and the two nooklings are here too.

For my Uchi (now, sisterly. I think that makes more sense, actually) villager, I got Frita, who looks like fast food embodied as a character. She’s fries, burger, and a hot dog. Plus, practically every time I see her, she’s drinking a soda. I like the idea. (Her catchphrase is “oh ewe”, I love that.)
Moose was my jock. He’s… interesting? I’m not… overly excited about him… I think his name may be like, chocolate mousse, but I don’t know. He looks like he has sideburns, which is strange for a mouse… His eyes are amusingly asymmetrical though. I do find it fun to pick on him for that reason though.
Aside from that, I met T. Nook, his cute nephews, found a place for all our villagers to live, gathered a bunch of sticks and peaches. The usual… We had a bonfire ceremony, and… that’s about it.
The only big choice for Day 0, is the town name, and I spent a good 10 minutes thinking about mine. I thought of naming it Krypton, my town in NL was Argon, so I figured maybe I’d go down the table, but that felt… not very creative. I wanted a name that was clever, used wordplay, fit the theme of the island setting, and subtly hinted at some potential promiscuity.

Sol Tree is the name I settled on. First off, it’s a homophone of “sultry”, which accomplishes goals 2, and 4, right away. But sultry has multiple meanings. When describing a person, y’know, passionate, sensual, that kind of thing. But when describing the weather, it can mean hot and humid.
Wow, talk about perfect! But Sultry as a town name isn’t very subtle. So I broke it down into Sol (another word for sun) and Tree (of which there are many on this island). And boom, a name I can show off, and has just a whole load of meanings! I love it. I’m SO happy I spent the time to make this name as good as it could be, since y’know. It’s permanent.

My home on Day 0, is a tad barebones, but that’s sort of to be expected. I also took the liberty to strip before bed. (As you do)… And… that’s it! Day 0, is done!
Day 1: The first day

So yeah. KK Slider makes an appearance. Sure, why not? Now, what does our first day in real time have to offer us?

Tom… it’s literally been 2 minutes since I went to bed.
Well anyways, Day 1’s goals are to earn 5000 miles to pay off the initial costs, collect enough bugs and fish to get Blathers here on Day 2.

My first picture using the app! Get it? I’m on target! (I made a target logo using the custom design thing) This will not be the last image I will take. Not by a long shot.

One of the miles things was to edit your passport. I didn’t I’d enjoy this process, but it’s actually something I go into daily just to mess around with the titles. It’s kind of fun.

[Oh, I’m sure you and your tools get REAL attached, Frita] And yeah, If I don’t miss the opportunity, I will attempt to take any line out of context whenever I can.

[Oh, you overestimate my flexibility, lil’ guy.]

Of course, after we pay off that 5000 miles, you know we gotta get a house, right? But… Nook… why are you looking at me like that. I know this is supposed to be a mischievous look, maybe born out of your need to push hugely expensive products onto people, but seriously, you’re glaring right into the camera! And that question, is that… what are you insinuating? Did you lace it with something?!
Something I didn’t get in a screenshot, was like 15 bug/fish containers outside my house. The tent has no storage, so… yeah. I had to make do with the new features offered by the game. Cool.
Anyways, that’s it for Day 1. I tried to see if I could chat with Orville, but apparently the airport was closed.
Day 2: Getting into things
This is going to be a much longer day than the last two. Today, we will get 15 fish/bugs/fossils to Blathers, pay Nook about 100 grand for our house payment, help Gulliver find some things, and explore the other side of the island, which up until now, has been out of our reach because of the river. But thanks to Day 2, and the introduction of both the shovel and the vaulting pole, well, we can make our way there!

Day 2 starting off pretty cool. Got some nice things in the mail (purchased using the Nook box thing), and I think it’s cool to have a new outfit!

Heh, no the mask can’t be custom designed (to my knowledge), but if it could, that could be funny.
Anyways, with Day 2 here, Blathers has arrived and is ready to accept donations! And also I got this gem.

Oh, I can think of one way to populate this deserted island 😉
Anyways, it wasn’t hard to get 15 more bugs/fish considering I already had a bunch from last night just waiting outside my house.

I got stung by wasps, which was unfortunate, but I did get a recipe for medicine by Frita, which was a silver lining. The day progressed normally after that, I found Gulliver, started gathering wood and iron for the new Nook’s Cranny… And I sent some letters.

Frita, of course, gets my lovely food-based flirtations that could be construed in a myriad of ways.

Moose gets a decidedly less flirtatious letter…

Today, the limiting item was iron nuggets. I needed 30 to open up the store, and the few rocks on the island just wasn’t going to provide. I needed to start using Nook miles to explore other islands. So yeah, I spent most of the day grinding for miles to gather up iron from various island. In my process, I found Wade, who I didn’t recognize. So I invited him to live in Sol Tree.

What exactly do you think I’m packing in here, Timmy? I mean… I wouldn’t be adverse to the idea, but c’mon man.

With some excess miles, I bought the Custom Designer Pro, and found some cool things with it. This hat, and the T shirt. I won’t keep them for long, but until I can find some nicer outfits, these’ll do.
Also I pushed Moose around a bit. Just to see if he’d get pissed at me. [Oh, I’m no wrestler, Moose, but I have my ways of “pinning” you] Also who are you calling shorty?

Funny enough, Gulliver doesn’t seem to mind being shoved all the way across the island to my home. That was an interesting way to get someone to visit my home.

The animals here don’t spend much time in their homes. (I mean, they’re tents, not exactly much room to decorate, so it’s understandable) But perchance, I managed to find my way into Frita’s tent. I suppose you could say I made myself comfortable. Too bad it was a sleeping bag for one. Frita had to just watch me nap.

My daily update of my passport. I’m still kind of shocked I made this. But I do find it hilarious.

Oh no! I have become tree! (Yeah, this one’s silly…)

And a night’s rest under the stars… with an upskirt shot. Oops.
Well, that’s it for Day 2. The nookling store will open up tomorrow, and Blather’s museum will be undergoing construction. I paid off the first home loan cost, so I’ll get a bigger house, and such. So yeah.
Day 3: (A day of much happenings)
So… what’s the plan today? Well, the Nookling store has opened up, which means… More items for sale? Neat! I’ll be sure to spend a fair bit each day to get that store upgrade ASAP. Also Harvey’s island opens up today, so y’know, we’ve got to see what we can do there, right?

So yeah, a whole bunch of Nook Inc. apparel showed up in my mailbox today. Also I got replies to my letters from yesterday. (Nothing worth sharing; I get the feeling neither of them actually read the letters.)

It’s really got that air of, “I literally can’t see anything.” I think it suits me. (However, covering up the eyes, makes it hard to see the eyes, which is like 50% of my character)

Heh, the jokes write themselves. [After this ceremony, I plan to enter Nook’s Cranny. It won’t be easy, I hear I’m their first (customer), so I’ll take things slow at first. I’ll begin by taking some of their seeds, then I’ll pay for some of their furniture, and I’ll finish inside by unloading loads of maxed out inventories ’till the sun goes down.]
And that’s just a taste. [I never saw those two go in, I wonder what time each day, the nooklings enter Nook’s Cranny… Uh… Maybe via the back…door…]
Ok, I think I’ve stretched this metaphor far enough. Let’s move on. (Also, did you see Moose in that picture? I figured he’d be there since there are only two villagers, but… who knows? Maybe he got lost… oh well, F’s for Moose…)

[Oh hey, I found a hedgehog in Nook’s Cranny!] (Last one, I swear!) But yeah, Mabel’s here! And I’ve had the perfect spot for the Able Sister’s Store for days now, but I know it’ll be a while before they’ll move in. Still, when they do, it’ll be a great moment. (Especially since I can start making, “I entered the Able Sisters today,” comments.)
The big task today, while exciting for the future prospect of Sol Tree, didn’t offer much in the way of suggestive possibilities. I found places for homes and filled them up with furniture. I also got the ladder (YES!!!) and made use of that. Finally the whole island is able to be accessed… with one small omission but y’know… ignoring that part.
After that, the day progressed pretty normal. I got some miles, I got a bunch of bells, I filled up my storage with garbage (Blathers was in a tent all day, hmph…). But today WAS the first day in which a vanity was available, meaning I could now alter my look! I also picked up some new hair colors and hair styles! Resulting in…

Viola! It’s Wendy, as a strong working girl, with the lumber, the bandana, the… y’know. The, working attire. (Working girl in this sense means the wartime working girl, not the prostitute sense.)

Oh, and also I found a new outfit! Just… in a balloon (if I’m remembering correctly…) It looked sort of like the Wendy’s girl costume, so I ran with it.

Why do I have so many toilets? Also, two sinks. (Yes, I WILL leave those sinks running forever. Screw you! I’m not obligated to save water.)

I mean… I don’t even have to try that hard here. 😉
Heya Harv…ey… Look who’s here! Anyways, I’ll be sure to give my villagers a chance to shine in they very own shoots. You better believe that… but first…

Well now… look who showed up for auditions!
I did the best with what I had. (which wasn’t much) Thankfully Harvey already had a couch, and all the film setup stuff. Maybe I could’ve thrown in Moose, but… eh… Frita as the director was an odd choice admittedly.
And that’s where things stop for Day 3! Lots of busywork and exploration done, but today’s goals were mostly just gathering bells/gathering materials. So I’m happy with my progress, but it’s not exactly suggestive or anything. Still! there’s always tomorrow! Speaking of which…
Day 4: A chill day
Wow, day 4! Lots of cool stuff, and we need a suitably cool outfit to match, right? Today we meet some new characters, a new villager moves in, we learn about customization, and the Museum opens its doors!

Oh hey, the Stalk Market is in town! Cool! I’ve never been good with stocks… I once played the stock market game in Business… ended up in the red… RIP. But hey, I’m going in this time with a strategy. But 110 turnips. If on ANY day the net gain is positive, sell 100 turnips. Then sell the last 10 on the Saturday before Daisy Mae returns. This way, I can experience the thrill of striking it big, while also not feeling too bad if things don’t go that well.
This combined with the Money Trees I’ve been growing should hopefully be positive investments.

I… don’t really have anything to say. The museum is straight up gorgeous.

[Oh, you wanna “play” eh? Well then, why don’t I give you a… “warm welcome”?]
Yup! Wade’s here! That guy from Day 2? He’s now a resident in my town! I thought this guy was new, but apparently he was in New Leaf. And also, I can’t just draw Frita and Moose, and not this cute guy. Here. Each new villager gets a picture to themselves! Starting with…

Yeah, that’s more like it! [Now slide over, if a hammock can swing, so can you! (not that I’m implying you’re in a relationship or anything… uh…)]
Well, aside from that I joined in the celebrations for the Museum’s opening, and the bridge being built. Both equally important, I’m sure. And bought some clothes from Mabel (oh yeah, she’s was here today as a traveling saleswoman.) Nothing of hers particularly stood out to me, but if I want the Able Sisters to come (heh) to Sol Tree, I gotta invest some bells. I ended up buying the cool hairstyles with miles, and settled on a new look. The theme this time being… cool.

Day 4’s Hip Gal, nothing screams cool like spiky wavy blue hair, and a fishing motif. And nothing radiates coolness like shades (these are bit small, but they’ll do). I kept the boots. Those are used in fishing right? Also, I just kind of like these boots. (Also that… gottem thing, that’s a cool kid thing right? I never really found it that cool, but… I dunno)

[I’ve got a homo sapien chest, and a fleshy oyster for you to examine, bird boy.]
FINALLY! I can donate all these bugs and fish that have filled up my storage space at home! It feels SO good to just clear things out! Also can I just say how adorable Blathers is? He’s so precious. I just want to… well, I’m sure you can imagine.

[Ooh, did someone say “vibe”? You know I’d love to share a vibe between us, Frita. Literally 😉 ]

[I caught a squid! I’ve seen enough hentai to know where this is going!]
Also, there sure are a lot of Splatoon references in this game… I dig it!
After this, I headed to the airport for some letter delivery! (I just want to see my pelicans, please!)

Ha, I just learned in this letter that you can change the header and footer. That’s great! Also, if I could fuck myself, you better believe I would!

I think this may be my favorite letter I’ve ever sent. My only gripe is that I should’ve made it a post on the bulletin board. I mean, letters kind of get lost to time…

Did you know in NL, you can get fruits from villagers? I could just attach a peach and see what Moose gives me, but that’s boring! Let’s tease him a bit! Cause that’s Moose to me now. The guy I pick on. Heh. Now to attach the peach.

Aw fuck. I gave away 2 peaches at once when writing Wade’s letter (not pictured because I forgot. Also it wasn’t that good) without realizing it… I ended up giving him a tulip. Let’s hope he doesn’t get the wrong idea…

Let’s cap things off by staring off into the sunset with my new “daddy”. Literally it’s a papa bear. It’s like the game knows my type.

Heh. Outdoor-loving. Doesn’t get much more explicit than that! Well, that’s day 4! I’m not sure what to expect for tomorrow. Maybe I’ll have a new villager. Either way, still trying to save up money for my loan payment, and working on those mile things. So yeah, till next time…
Day 5: A slower day

Heh… I’m in Wade’s bed. He’s working hard, doing whatever he’s doing… spraying white stuff all over… Did I wake up here? It is my first picture of the day…

[I’d hang out at your place 😉 ]
Hey, Twiggy’s here. I remember seeing her on one of the islands.

And as with Wade before, here’s her in her default costume.

[The floors aren’t the only naked thing that can be found in my home. 😉
Anyways, Saharah’s the special visitor today, and that’s great! I felt like I could use a rug. to give my floors some new looks.

Behold. My creation…

Just sending some letters. This process takes quite a while. I heard you can attach a keyboard to the console, but I don’t have a wireless controller for my dock. So it’d either be the controller or the keyboard, so I’m not sure how that’d work.

More fruit trading. At least, I hoped it’d work. It didn’t.
Maybe I needed to use more specific keywords or something.

Heh. Picking on Moose, cause the idea amuses me.

I didn’t do too much aside from getting bells for the rest of the day. I tried the custom face paint thing, but it looks a bit weird. I was hoping my pigtails would be visible along with the hat, but alas. I depicted what Leni might have looked at below.

Mabel wasn’t here today so I couldn’t find a new outfit. Just working with what I got.
Anyways, Day 5 wasn’t too eventful. But I got work done. Let’s move on.
Day 6: Not much today either.

Heh, 69.

Hey… Mabel’s back! I could use some new outfits. And Moose is here too.

Let’s call this one, casual glasses. And I included the phone case. I think I got it today, so I threw it in. (Oh, and I love this denim skirt. I may be wearing in multiple days following this one)

[Oh girl, you don’t need a recipe to blow my mind. 😉 ]

Another new islander! This is Bertha, a cute blue hippo. I hadn’t gotten a normal villager get, so I like this.

I wanted to see what happened if you passed out on the island. Turns out Wilbur comes to your rescue. (My hero) Anyways, that’s really it for Day 6. Not much happened, which is fine. You need some slow days to make the big events feel more impactful.
Day 7: A Decorating day
Welp… the public services building is closed today, so no Nook miles can be spent. Guess I’m stuck on the island today.

Started off the day with a costume change. Mabel wasn’t here so I was working with what I had. Dahl Tee and that denim skirt. But finishing up, I… decided to shift things up a bit.

Yup, we got ourselves a dude here! Not that it changes anything really. But hey, why not?

Speaking of which, look at my new back room! It’s all decorated and stuff!

[ ; ) I might just have some ideas. ]
Not much happened the rest of the day, so I’ll just post some more screenshots.

I didn’t realize the camera had Gaussian blur. Next time I do this maybe I’ll screenshot it.

Just something nice to look at.

Yep, it’d true! I was born just a few days ago. Also yeah, the theme here is japanese. And that’s it for now. But I get the feeling tomorrow will bring someone along who will make each day just a little more heart lifting.
Day 8: Town Hall is open!

Yay! Isabelle! New Leaf was my first AC, so I have lots of fond memories with this cute doggo. And along with Town Hall comes more features! Most important for me right now is the inventory expansion! It’s weird that a 30 slot inventory would get filled up so fast, but when you consider all the crafting materials you need, it makes sense. Another feature here is the pro custom editor! So…

I made myself a bikini top! Oh yeah, and Gulliver’s here!

[Which one? ; ) Remember, I’m a dude rn.]

I… think he was talking about an octopus or something? Giant squid? Also “devastating tickle attack”… Remind me to join your crew and maybe we can run into more “devastating tickle attacks.” Eheh.

What the fuck is that on your face?!

Let’s fix that. Thank you Isabelle.

While I was here, I decided to give my town flag a makeover. As you can see, the tree’s upright and stiff, the CocoNUTs are hard and round. And the leaves are wet with… uh… snow? Yeah, snow. Totally. (I went in and added the sun later. After all it’s the flag of Sol Tree, right?)

[Sounds like Wade’s got his hard-on. 😉

I decided to update my look while I was here. Check it!

Whoop, guess we’re going commando. I approve.

That’s just hilarious.

I love this animation of Isabelle looking outside. She’s so adorable.

[Whup, I think that’s me actually. Sorry bud.]

[Hehe, hippos with glasses look goofy. It’s great.]

[Wow! Thanks Celeste! I’ll be sure to use this “magic wand” ; )
I spent the rest of the night making wishes on stars. Spent an hour or so… Still didn’t get enough star bits for a wand. But thankfully I found a recipe for a bamboo wand that was much cheaper.
Day 9: The Sad days
Today, something happens. Something that flips my whole life around. A horrifying life revelation that turns me into a different person.

[Oh, I’ll give ’em all a “personal tour”. ; )
Wait… did you see Twiggy? I thought she was there, but now I don’t know.
Erm… this isn’t what I referring to earlier. Pay no attention to that wig, I found it with a full inventory, and I used the headwear slot as an extra inventory space.

[Oh, I’m always “down” 😉
Wait, what are you giving me, Bertha?

Oh… I got depression.

[Yeah, I have… but uh… what were you doing in there, Twiggy? ; )

Oh hey, a rubber apron. Looks stylish… but… something’s wrong here.
I’m starting to get the feeling that… life is meaningless… and… that our actions are pointless.

It was at this moment Leni spiraled into depression. Her life, an endless cycle of paying dues. Making ends, and ultimately achieving nothing…

(As an editor’s note, this may be my favorite role playing change as I played the game.)

[What, you mean die off? Go extinct? Yeah… sounds like great advice.]

Hehe. Had to get that one in there.
But yeah, as my mood drops, I needed to express that via edgy writing.

[Hi. I’m Leni, and welcome to me “so called life” T_T ]
The full quote wouldn’t fit, so I cut it down some.

Oh hey! It’s Wisp! That’s pretty cool. Though… I did ask for something expensive and he gave me a cheap ass wallpaper… so, maybe it’s a commentary on how expensive it is for the dead to get any wallpaper. Oh the horror of death…
Anyways, that’s it for Day 9!
Day 10: Full Emo, rainy day

Uh… Moose? It’s raining.
But yeah, the rain actually helps out my mood! Meaning it makes things more dreary! But as a player it’s exciting. I get to see fish not present before.

Oh nice! The Able Sisters are moving in! It’ll be great to get a more diverse clothing selection.

Everyone gets their own rain outfit, I LOVE that. (Oddly enough Nook and Isabelle aren’t changed, but still.)

[You got a vibe? Er… nevermind.]
Hippeux is the villager I got at my campgrounds today, meaning he’ll be the next villager I get in my town. Nice! I got myself a smug villager. And his name is just great!

I wasn’t too into him at first. But he’s really grown on me.

While this answer fits Leni’s personality, maybe if I were fully in character, I might’ve answered with something like “dead”.

Dude, wtf? Those are baby frogs! A literal race of animals in the game!
Or maybe you mean nummy in a suggestive… oh god that’s worse. Just eat the fucker.

I do not like that look Wade. Like… at all.
On the other hand, I get a weird feeling Wade locked himself out. Like, who walks around the front of their home in the rain? It’s an amusing thought.

[Cram too much into me, Resetti, and I’ll burst. Wanna try? 😉
Wait, I’m supposed to be depressed…

Holy shit! This is the biggest thing I’ve caught yet!

How the fuck…

The saddest picture yet… Also I tried to give myself running mascara here, but it… didn’t work. Looks like I had football face paint on and it melted or something. I’ll just draw what it should look like below.

Well, that’s kind of a downer to end on, but that’s ok! That is entirely the point right now. Anyways, let’s see if things turn up after this.
Day 11: A very short day
I have a total of 4 pictures for today. So uh… yeah. Not much events this time. Let’s see ’em!

Really! Rank S. This house barely has any theme or style. Cool.

[Oh, is he now? I’ll be sure to eat in… a-as soon as I’m out of this funk]

I’d join that task force, Isabelle. Sounds like a fun time! (Wait… that’s not suggestive…)

Something something Pina Coladas! (I don’t really know the song), but yeah! Look who’s back and ready for action! Time to get wasted! Unfortunately the Able Sisters is still in construction, so I gotta make do with what I got. So I tried to theme this outfit around an islander getup. Time to go do stuff!
…or it would’ve been. But alas this is the last time I played that day.
Day 12: More stuff today!
Let’s kick things off with the Able Sisters! Hurrah! They’re here!

[Sure, I’ll help you “exercise” ; )
Speaking of which, it’s Label! She looks great!

[Heh… I came inside the Able Sisters. ; )

[I see a gorgeous blue fur coat, and I’d love to try you on. ; )
As you may have noticed by now, I got a new outfit. This new jacket looks great! This was all at behest of Label, who offered me a coupon to switch my clothes. (Something I practically do daily already)

Heh, she sort of looks like a executive, or a businesswoman. I’m a fan.

Also here’s a little comic.

Nice! I gave her that Popcorn machine! It seemed so fitting and I’m glad to see it here! (oh, and the tulips I sent her in the mail are here too!)
[I got another two lips I’d like to see in her home though ; )

Figured I’d change up my town tune. (Up until now, it’d been Victory by Two Steps from Hell.) Now it’s Drago…stei no tei? The Numa numa song, you know the one. (And if you don’t, you’re probably not old enough to read this playthrough)

[Oh, I’ll spend lots of time “teasing” you, once I enter your home. ;)]

Yup! Annalisa is my 7th villager! Awesome! I sort of expected her to be Snooty, but no! She’s normal. I do want a Snooty villager eventually, but she’s still cool.

Once again I tried my hand at custom editor stuff, I tried to make a tiddy hat and a cat nip tank top, but yeah. they look pretty bad.

Anyways that’s it for Day 12! Some cool things happened, we went through a phase. Fun times! Next time, we get K.K.!
Day 13: Aaaand we’re back.
While no time has passed between the days I played day 13, it has been a long while since I updated this page. (*sigh* I suck…) Anyways, time for another few weeks! (Let’s see if I even remember where I left things off…)

YOOOOO!!! FLICK! Sorry, kinda freaking out, but for Flick, I think it’s warranted. Well, anyways. I’m real excited to see him. I’ve got bugs a plenty by now, and I want me some bells!
But… y’know. Aside from that, nothing too crazy happened.
Buuuuuttt, I did do some self-decorating. And I came up with what may be one of my top 3 outfits!

OH YEAH! Party girl! The Black and White color scheme, the striped socks, the goofy glasses. Definitely one to store to the wand… (well… when I get it, at least)

Hey, just chillin’ with Frita and- OH DEAR GOD! I’M TRAPPED! Held prisoner by this eight legged horror! WHAT DO I DO! F-Frita? NO! No, don’t leave me! NO!!!

…this didn’t work. For reason, the tarantula hitched a ride and KO’d me as soon as I teleported.
Dammit Rescue services, you had one job!

Other than that, I figured it was high time to write some letters. That’s what I do when I get through my tasks quickly.

Annalisa moved in recently. I have to send her at least 1 letter, right?

When in doubt, RAP! … not my strong suit, to be fair.

Oh yeah, I figured out how to post on the public bulletin! (Now I can spread my degeneracy to any potential visitors I may end up getting 😉

I’ll bet you looked good from below, heh. Well, look who I ran into! A new friend?

Spoilers, yes. Ava is to be Sol Tree’s next resident! (I bet she tastes like chicken 😉

With a new look, I figured it was time to update this ‘ol thing. And I LOVE it. The picture, the catchphrase, the title. It’s beautiful! It always makes me sad, knowing I can only have one of these passports visible at one time, and that one day I’ll overwrite this… At least it’s been immortalized on this webpage.

As it turns out, people don’t like it when you give them trash. Who knew? Still, this is one funny reaction.

I’ll bet!

Not the sexiest outfit, but… why were you stripping over at Wade’s house? Is there something you two were doing that… might involve taking off clothes? 😉

…Well, I now know Flick’s fetish…
Day 14: Future Foreshadowing

Zipper’s here! Yay? We’ll see more of Zipper later, but for now, here he is. Jumping and hopping… is dressing up like a bunny… weird, in this universe? I’ve never been able to tell if this is weird or not.

Slider’s comin’ to town! The dog of my dreams! (Well, 1 dream.) I’m hyped!

We built stairs! But can you see who the poor camera cut off this time? Hint: It’s Bertha. How’d she end up in the worst spot for this anyways? Also Moose isn’t here, but there’s a reason for that.

Y’see? He went and got himself sick. (What a moron) Anyways. I helped him out.

I’d like to top you on that rug, 😉 Then again, this is all carpet from the looks of things.

My hand’s tired, sure Frita. But for other reasons… I’ll be sure to “hit you up” though 😉

I also have this. Just nice to have the whole gang here, watching K.K. Nothing all too special about this pic, but it’s nice.
Yeah, not too much happened today. Just a lot of foreshadowing for future events. Also, I never changed outfits today. As I said, I really liked this one. But I do try to mix things up.
Day 15:

A bit of a slower day. I did some redecorating and costume changing. Here’s my three eye’d kimono Leni! For extra eyebrow raising! The place still lacks cohesiveness if I’m being honest, but I’ll get more furniture eventually.

The three eyes makes her seem like some kind of psychic or something… I dig it. Not as much as the last costume, though.

Someone looks like he’d fit right along side Frita as tasty fried food! I gotta admit though. The fact that I’m a japanese woman recruiting a tentacled fella… well… it’s one hell of a coincidence.

Heya Zucker! Am I a sucker for puckers. Just my luck or what? er… Get ready to fuck her. (Lyricist I am not)

Good ‘ol bloom. I don’t know why. I guess today wasn’t too eventful (this… is a trend you’ll see with most of the rest of the days) But hey, it’s still fun.
Day 16: Ceej
So um…

Zucker moved in (beat!)

C.J.’s here. (Woo!)

Blather’s has a type, it seems.

Mini Bamboo forest, just because.

What a glorious shirt. I have no jokes. This thing is so cool.

The cool aunt. (I dunno, just kind of the way the outfit spoke to me.)
Day 17: Chillin

You know it 😉
Just two gals, chatting about morning wood. Look at that face, she knows what’s up!


Well, I wonder when… if… I’ll ever make this ridiculously expensive thing.
And that’s it.
Day 18: Quinn

*gasp* Sh-she’s opening up! (I’d open her up 😉 It took a bit, but I’m ready for this friendship to bloom!

Now this is epic.

3D glasses are fun, but I had to keep the theme on point. (Oh yeah, she’s blowing gum and we got two gumball machines! Ain’t that fun.)

And time for cosplay! Not what I expected to be doing, but it fits, don’t it?
Day 19: Photo Shoot

Throw in your current outfit and we got a deal 😉
(It doesn’t matter. I didn’t win… also Rosie turned down my invitation to move in…)

While I sort of wish I waited for a certain other villager to move in before making this (It would’ve let me transition into this better) I decided to turn my town theme into the Ducktales theme!

I haven’t spent much time on Harvey’s isle, but when inspiration strikes, well… (Why Twiggy? Well. she’s not camera shy, and I already think there’s something going on between her and Wade.)
And of course, you know I had to do that to Moose.

Another dumb ship. Why not?

And we got our Redneck Leni, just because. I wanted to use the standard wifebeater somehow.

Day 20: Messing about

You… don’t wear socks. Like, in any promotional art, I’ve never seen Izzy with socks on. In this game she has shoes.

Is… this the first time Kicks has shown up? I’m… kinda shocked. No clue why I took a picture of this. There’s nothing suggestive at all!

Oop… What seems to be the issue? W-wrong hole? (Wait, birds only have one… nevermind)

What? You just got here, like a week ago! C’mon… I turned her down, of course.

Lookit me! All powdered up and victorian-like.

Day 21: Punkygirl

Not much today. A new outfit for funsies. Not much redecorating has happened. I’ll get to it eventually.

Doesn’t get much more explicitly suggestive than that.

Just a nice screenshot. I like taking these from time to time.
Day 22: Chuggin along

Shave and a haircut, two bits! You know this one, right? You should!

Ma new outfit! Keepin it casual! I hear walking barefoot on grass can be nice… Either I’ve got the wrong grass or the wrong feet… every time I’ve tried it, I step on rocks or such.

It’s nice to have a comfy outfit to wear.

“Rock hard” eh? Choice wording… Also how. pray tell, would I hurt myself?

Dear, lord. Tom! WTF!? Sure! Here’s a literal MILLION BELLS! (I don’t know what the bells to USD conversion is, though my guess is that they’re comparable to yen, so maybe this is around 12 grand or so in USD) Doesn’t make it any harder to amass this much cash.
Day 23: Misc stuff

Gloria’s here! My first (I think?) snooty vil. I’m excited to see what she brings.

Well, when you put it that way, it sounds like you’re… I mean, I’m down.

Same yo. I wonder if we browse the same pages though 😉

My next outfit is less of an outfit, and more so a… lack of one.

Prancing about in a towel? Suitable for summer. Not really for any other time of the year.
Day 24: Fishing Tourney + Redecorating

Is that an innuendo?

That… actually looks nice. A hot spring on the mountainside. Listening to running water, birds chirping… natural ambiance.

Hmm… There’s something there. But nothing’s coming to mind. Horse riding? Eh.

I knew those fish baits would come in handy.

Check out ma new kitchen…

slash bathroom, ok not the BEST two rooms to combine, but I only have so much space right now…

Doesn’t this lady look ready to discuss business over a friendly chat? I dub this business casual.

I did Victory, now here’s Star Sky!
Day 25: Bunny Day!

Ah, Bunny day… You can fill ME with bunny cheer, you… rabbit?

This is a comic that’s actually helped out by Zipper’s soulless stare.

Heh. What an odd sentence. Sounds like they’ve fucked and she couldn’t keep up. Is that just me?


Saw Isabelle just sniffing flowers. It was nice.

Well that sounds suggestive…

W-wow. That’s even MORE suggestive… I want it.

This outfit doesn’t stick around long. Still. Kinda nice.

D’aw. These two doing it, under the stars? The thought melts my perverted heart.
A tad hard to take anyone seriously with those eggshell outfits.
Day 26: Dreams?

Hmm… I wonder if that was me…


Talking to Hippeax btw.

Newly renovated house. Looks like a nice little cottage, eh?
Day 27: Some Mice Things

His name’s Rod, and he gives me a quintuple double-entendre? This is amazing.

In other news, I think it’s time for a costume change. I’m no fashion designer, but I think this looks nice.

In other news, Moose looks ready to head out. I don’t usually like to have people move out, but it’s a thing that happens.

Besides, the pain of losing a friend is offset by the excitement of receiving someone new. I think it’s a fair trade.

No clue why I attached stones Must’ve been a joke old me came up with that I no longer remember.
Day 28: 3 quick things
Not gonna beat around the bush. No major events, no costume changes, no new song, no new passport…

Moose is ready to head on out. I’ll miss ripping on him. But I do wonder who will take his place. A cute shortstack? A tall rugged bear? I’m excited already.

Comics? I prefer doujins myself… if you know what I mean.

In my dress? Maybe? Y-yeah. Sure.
Day 29: Shyness and horror

This might prove useful. Even kind of looks pervy.

And did someone say, new outfit? Well. Regardless.

Heh, looks like I’m ready to attend a funeral or something. Maybe I’ll hold on to this for… another occasion.

H-how could you tell it was me?

Whew… finally. I don’t expect the next loan to be any cheaper, but surely it can’t be more than-

GOOD FUCKING GOD! TOM! WHAT!? (Sigh, it’s the last one, Leni… Just one more loan…)
And that’s today’s escapades…
Day 30: Quick Aging

Aww, decorating other people’s homes is nice. (And thank goodness the flower wilting is gone. I don’t have the presence of mind to keep tabs on all the flowers around the island.

Dang, what happened in the last few hours? I got old!

I can see myself playing this into my nineties. A nice calming game where there are no losers. I think old me would like it.

Um.. you know it! (I swear, I always have wood in my inventory. Why is this surprising, Wade?)

Working on up! (It may be a while before my 5 star though)
Day 31: No transition this time


Tad stopped by… sluuuurp indeed. 😉

Especially ones that star my fellow islanders 😉
Day 32: Double tap

After doing my duty and destroying the ecosystems of islands I don’t live in, I came up with this!
The golden items are kind of a downgrade though. They don’t even last forever. I wish they had cool features, like chopping trees down in one hit or something. Only the watering can seems to have retained this upgrade thing. Shame.

Ooh! A special item! I wonder what it’ll look like.
Day 33: Putting Labels on things

Welp. That answers my question. In other news, GET OFF THE BRIDGE ANNALISA! A dozen chairs scattered around the island. An acre of nice comfy grass to place your posterior, and you pick the ONE spot to halt my progression. (Sigh… she’s doing this on purpose. Isn’t she?)

If we’re being honest. This outfit’s kind of a hodgepodge. The only thing that ties it together is (kinda) classy clothes. I tried to make it seem more… fashionista, do whatever I want because I decide what’s hip, kind of look. If I say a duck is in, then it’s fukcin’ in!

Oh yeah, in return for losing Moose. We got Roscoe! I’m ready to be part of his modern life 😉

There’s probably a joke here. Maybe someone about a dark horse? I dunno. It’s eluding me. But hey, this island was really missing a bad boy. I think our first grumpy vil deserves his own merit. (plus, he’s gotta be… hung like a horse too right? Score!)

Gosh, you don’t say!

You live across the isle, atop a mountain, with a fucking fountain in your house. If you truly heard me, then I really must’ve REALLY been making a racket.
Heh, next time, you’re invited short stuff.

WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK ANNALISA!? You got up, ONLY TO SIT BACK DOWN just slightly to the fucking left!?

These two were perfectly in sync. It was pretty cute! Just be careful to leave 6 ft between you and your surroundings, otherwise-

Oh dear… that looks painful
There’s no need to discuss the outfit I have on. It’s just the business causal one from earlier just with the standard Leni hair. (Kinda looks like Nikki though, which is funny)
Day 33: Nook’s Cranny is spreading wider

Remember those Nook’s Cranny jokes from like… day 8 or so? Well, it’s good to see Nook’s Cranny expand a bit. I’ll enjoy using it…
Also Hippeux, get out from behind that tree.

Not… what I expected to see from Roscoe. Or Wade tbh. Running for fun seems like a jock activity.
Day 35: M’lady.

Heh. This thing effectively cost me 50 k bells or so.

Well sir, my main buyers have been the two nooklings so far, but if you want, I can… “provide”. 😉

Well, who says nice girls don’t exist eh? Time to live the douche life!

I’ve always been suggestive and flirty, but now I can do it in a creepily passive aggressive manner too!

No clue what to do with these now that Bunny Day’s come and gone, but hey. There’s always next year.

Is this better than my last one? Not really, but it’s new!
Day 36: Have you Redd?

Oh yeah, Redd’s here! Er… I mean… who could that possibly be?

Forward? Oh, I’ll about bein’ forward. What say you and I get outta this rain, you sexy fuckin’ fox?

Huh, I never noticed that if you’re standing sideways on a slant, you stand differently. That’s cool!

Don’t you fuckin’ tempt me. I’m not doing it…
Day 37: Birthday girl

Weather’s been awful lately, but hey, the view’s not half bad.

Happy Berth-day! Hyuk.

Well, about you show me yer birthday suit, and I’ll give you a gift to remember 😉
(Don’t worry, Hippeax, you can join in too if ya want)

I wanna bury something in your “purse” 😉 Also poor K.K., sitting there in the rain for hours? His fur’ll be all wet, his guitar’ll get soggy. (Hot Dog or Chili Dog)

Ha! Nice one. Frita and I are on the same page. 😉
Day 38: Shipshape

Nice place you got here Red. I wouldn’t mind a newly broken in fox fuckboi for MY master bedroom 😉

*leans in close*

Woah, wasn’t expecting that response. 0_0 Maybe some Nintendo writer is just as horny for Redd as I am.

Damn! Even Wade’s getting in on the innuendo train! I love it! (Also, I guess he’s – maybe – an ass man. Didn’t take him for that, but sure!)

Heya Ted! No space on the island for now, but this guy I wouldn’t mind having around.
And that’s it. I have no more images, but the game’s still there. I may eventually hop back on and update this further, but now, this is Leni closing off.