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1-XXX – A Shot Twixt Wind and Water
Man, from sfw, to nsfw, to porn. What an evolution. (Just can’t stop myself) Anyways. I’m now in the process of another set of nsfw stuff. New pics will be added to this post. I think the plan rn is to just go world by world until I deem it ok to stop.
Some part of me thought that that last adofai pic (not the one I posted today) would spark some interest in adofai nsfw, but I still haven’t seen any. (And I’ve looked)
So I guess I’ll just make some myself. Whatcha gonna do?
(And hey, this’ll give me plenty of practice in this artstyle which I’m quite unfamilar with. I already miss my outlines)
Link here: (Contains planet bondage and nudity)

2-XXX – Beats Off (heh)
And how the recurring pig king greeting two planetary visitors. (Does this game have lore? The questions you ask…)
link here: (Contains planet grope + pig pecker)

3-XXX – The Grind Up (Honestly, there are hundreds of “Up” expressions I could’ve used to replace “wind”, but I went with this one. Since it rhymed)
And now the first (and certainly not the last) level to not have a specific character. With these, I’ll focus more on level concepts and/or props.
link here: (contains planet dildoing)

4-XXX – Love Makers
If you play the game nowadays this pic won’t make much sense. But in the release version, when you reached world 4, your blue planet (for no explained reason) is swapped with a green one.
The reason was probably just that it looked better in the level (I think it looks better at least).
Anyways this is a reference to that long lost era of A Dance of Fire and Plant.
link here: (Contains planet sex)

5-XXX – The Midnight Flame
(And the trend that the thumbnails keep getting smaller has been broken)
Blue Ball’s back for a ride atop the train. That’s gotta be fun.
I might end set 1 with the levels available on launch (1-6 + bonus). Seems Fitting. (But on the subject of levels, I’m not sure how to do Pulse. We’ll see what future me comes up with)
Link here: (Contains Planets riding vehicles moving at high speeds)

6-XXX – THROB (I struggled a fair bit with this name. Few words rhyme with Pulse, so I went with a synonym. Not sure how well it works)
And future me and made this pic tense and threatening. A real demonstration of just what a hurdle this level is in comparison to the previous 5. Believe me, the first 5 weren’t cakewalks, but Pulse is a huge difficulty spike right after. Makes sense since it’s “The Final Challenge”.
Or it was. Not it’s like… halfway through the main game? Also now it’s way easier. (In case you didn’t know, now it’s got a checkpoint in the middle) So the suffering us launch players dealt with was for naught…
link here: (contains planets facing down a massive threat to progression)

B-XXX – Thanks For Painting My Cave (For this name I had many options. I bet a better one exists. If you can think of something better, let me know .Might change it to that)
The bonus level for adofai at launch served two purposes.
As a final “Congrats! You’ve beat every trial this game has to offer, here’s your reward! A victory lap if you will…”
But also as one big “FUCK YOU! You thought you were hot? You beat Pulse? Completed the speed trials? You think you know speed? I haven’t BEGUN to show you speed!” A real snap back to reality. A kick off your high horse. A glimpse into true rhythm game hell.
Nowadays it’s not even the hardest level in the game. Not even in the top 3 anymore.
And most custom levels put it to shame in terms of ludicrous speed tapping. But this was a real wake up call when we first played it. A fucked up, but fun wake up call.
Link here: (contains planet victory)
Imma leave things here for now. These are the launch levels so it feels like a fitting stopping point. But later, I might pick this back up and do worlds 7-12. We’ll see.

7-XXX – Spinner 2 Winner
Aaaaand we’re back! Starting with Spin 2 Win! Who doesn’t love cats and spinning game show wheels?
This one isn’t particularly lewd, but I had fun making it regardless.
Still busy, so these still might be a bit more spread out, but I’ll try to work on this set when I can.
link here: (Contains planet game show)

8-XXX – Jungle Titty (heh, a bit uninspired, but kind of funny)
Oh dear, I shouldn’t be spending my limited time on these, but it’s also… fun.
Here’s Jungle City! AKA, fun and jazzy!
link here: (contains planet adventure)

9-XXX – Assdick Pursuit (This name is so dumb, I kind of love it)
So that’s why those UFOs were so keen on abducting the planets in 9-X. (at least, this is one interpretation of events)
I think Classic Pursuit was the first fanmade official level. So that’s fun.
link here: (contains planet abductions and subsequent “probing”)

10-XXX – Stuff-her Butt-or-fly Planet
Now for something a slightly different.
In Adofai, we play as two planets, a fire planet and an ice planet. But, canonically, there apparently exists Butterfly planet too.
What does this mean for adofai lore? Nothing probably. I guess our planets are just kind of dwarf-y compared to actual planets.
link here: Contains planetception

11-XXX – Trypacles
Imma be honest, I don’t know Greek, so that name probably makes no sense.
Heracles is like a combination of hero and glory, so I tried replacing the hero part of the name with hole. So like… Glory Hole? But I don’t know how well that really translates.
This level’s so cool, and Heracles is such a banger of song. Had to carry over the boss fight theme from the level, right?
link here: Contains planet boss fight

12-XXX – Superficial Chariot
I’m not feeling especially creative right now. Chariot is already a slang sex position and superficial is like… a skin deep or something? I dunno.
Considered adding a tv static effect, but initial attempts looked bad. So I didn’t.
link here: Contains planet surveillance

XO-XXX – One Unforgettable Night
Ooh boy, that’s one cheesy name, but I doubt anything else would really fit, and I kind of like the cheese. (Also X’s and O’s are usually used to symbolize hugs and kisses? So is it a coincidence this level’s letter is O? Probably)
Can anyone say definitively that they ship the fire planet and the ice planet in adofai? Because… I think I do. And I have only myself to blame.
I don’t really know what One Forgotten Night, either the song or level, really means. But the song’s great, and the level’s intense! I spent a good few hours stuck on it the first time I played (even recorded it for some stupid reason) and now I can beat it with minimal deaths.
Getting a bit more into the technical side of things, what better way to end this set than with something I thought would be a simple, easy task? A simple sepia filter on a bare bones, minimalist picture of two planets kissing?
Unfortunately the saturations I used did not lend themselves well to this effect.
I tried putting the filter on an 85% opacity layer and seeing if that could work, and included a pic where I ditched the sepia filter altogether. I kind of like the end result, but I don’t think this was the best way I could’ve gone about it. Maybe I’ll find a better way to do sepia in the future.
Anyways, that’s the last of this set. But more levels exist. I have other things I want to draw, but if and when I do come back to this series, the bonus worlds will be next on my to-do list. That includes Third Wave Flip Flop, Credits, Distance, Final Hope, Rose Garden, Fear Grows, and Options. (Some of those levels have wildly differing art styles to adofai’s typical look, and I have no clue how I’ll begin to tackle them)
link here: Contains planet starlight romance
Time for Bonus Worlds!

XF-XXX – Three Way Dick Flop
And back to planet sex. Why not? Adofai actually got some new levels semi-recently. (I can make pics for those too, in time…)
Anyways, those who know adofai, know this bonus level existed long before the official game was out. Never played it back then, but I knew of it.
It looked hard back then. But by the time you unlock it in game, yeah it’s not so bad. Pretty fun, even.
link here: Contains planet drunk sex

XC-XXX – Do Credits
I can’t do ascii art. I used an image to ascii art program to make this, and then cleaned it up.
I also don’t know how to make that old monitor effect, so I cheated and did some layer copying. (boy I’m pulling out all the stops on laziness for this one)
As for Credits? (AKA, the first Frums level) I struggled a LOT at first with the squashed hexagons. But it’s not that bad after some of the harder worlds.
link here: Contains ASCII planet nudity

XH-XXX – Vaginal Grope
This was a pretty tough level. I couldn’t actually complete it when it was released. But like with most things in this game, it got easier over time.
And if memory serves. This is the first xtra world to have a checkpoint (ignoring One Forgotten Night).
I don’t know if this is still true, mind you. More checkpoints could’ve been added to other levels while I’ve been away.
link here: Contains planet snowstorm

PA-XXX – Length
I think this is ADOFAI’s first collab. I don’t remember what I thought at the time, but it’s not that strange now that there’s a whole collab set in the game.
Anyways, I don’t know much about project arrhythmia. I watched some boss levels (I think a story mode exists, but I can’t seem to find a clean blind playthrough of it) and the gist of it seems to be a rhythmically synced bullet hell type game.
So I made a… “level” in that sense.
link here: Contains planet bullet dodging

XR-XXX – Rose Hard-on
This one took a while to draw, but it makes for a fun scene.
Not sure what to really say though, it’s a mostly self-explanatory image.
link here: Contains planet serenade

XT-XXX – Options Open
Another Frums, and the third hard ass level the game released. It was Options, I think, that introduced Crown World in fact.
Imma end the set here. There are more xtra worlds, but the game actually saw some new additions recently, and there’s more room to add to the xtra world selection, so maybe I’ll work on the collab worlds or DLC worlds before working at that.
link here: Contains planet minimalism