If you have something you think I should draw, go ahead and comment that here. Doesn’t mean I will draw it, but if I’m dry on ideas, I may just choose one now and again.
If you have something you think I should draw, go ahead and comment that here. Doesn’t mean I will draw it, but if I’m dry on ideas, I may just choose one now and again.
Do Furcorn And Pompom NSFW!
Once is enough, mate.
Still doesn’t mean I’ll do it, but spamming is rarely appreciated.
Since you did the Hattrem one, how about a male Anorith being tentacle fucked in the ass by a female Lileep while she was grabbing his shrimpy cock. 😉
Anorith and Lileep eh? Not exactly a common matchup but I’ll consider it. (I do have a fondness for the obscure)
Ok. Try to do your best to draw it and everyone will love these 2 underrated gen 3 fossils.
Why not something new for Bloons involving Sauda?
Not a bad idea, I haven’t done much with the newer heroes (aside from Brickell), but I could hop back on that boat.
BTD pr0n is severely lacking after all.
Pencil and Pen
Match and Ruby
Eraser and Blocky and Pen
could you please do thwok x dermit nsfw they are both male and dermit is dominant and thwok is submissive THANKS
Well, I was thinking of doing a Dermit drawing, though it may be a tad different your vision.
My suggestion/request is a thing where a reedling’s reeds are being plugged up by dildos
Heh. Sounds amusing. I’ll consider it.
how about a rare noggin, but his little tusks are actually dicks
You certainly have interesting requests.
heres another one then, also just tell me if you want me to stop doing so many XD
how about mammot and pompom having it, but behind a rock is an angry peeping furcorn
how about pompom’s reaction of how much porn there is of her
Is there really that much of them?
If you’re talking about all that crap Alex draws, then I guess, but he draws more of Furcorn anyways.
Aside from that, I really don’t think I’ll end up doing this one. For one, I think that people who “react” from the minds of official characters sort of undermine the original creator’s idea of that character. (Even if that’s not their intent)
For example, do you really think all those “[insert fnaf character here] reacts to the Fnaf 4 trailer” videos were run by Scott Cawthon? Yeah, me neither.
tl;dr: nah.
hey can you do kaynart (kayna x bowgart)….??
*friend told me to ask you*
Heh, I’m a bit swamped with tests and stuff, but I’ll add it to the list.
make bellowfish and yelmut doing things together lol
Odd pairing, but sure. Why not?
A death wilting Furcorn on a wooden stake…
Um… that’s pretty dark.
Not saying I won’t do it, but could I ask why? Do you have some kind of vendetta with the lil’ tyke?
no, i just don’t like how much porn there is of him, time for some payback.
Hey can you make an image of kayna on a bed and mammott is behind her and they are having secks lol
wait actually no scratch that make it so taht kayna and mammott are inside of a house and theres a bed and kayna is on it and mammott is like behind the bed and mammott is secksing kayna and theres a window on the wall and theres a bowgart and hes looking in the house and hes crying and hes putting a gun to his head can you do that please thanks
Uh… This request feels a bit… specific.
I may not end up doing this one.
I Have 2 Requests For You:
Dandidoo And Whaddle (Both Female) (NSFW)
Wynq And Floogull (SFW)
Hey can you do.
pan pan x lunk and scooter x princess tippi nfsw?
don’t get mad.
I’m sorry, you may need to be a bit more specific. (series name, or a link to a wiki page… something like that)
Besides, I don’t want to start the picture only to later find out it wasn’t even what you wanted.
Oh well here.
It’s a game about this weird sport called frolf, it’s basically golf with frogs. you play as a young carpenter named scooter that has to save his planet.
has you also heard of game grumps?
These are some cute designs. Maybe I’ll end up doing this req.
And I do know of the Grumps. I don’t consistently watch them. I know of them. I’m assuming they played this game, if you’re bringing them up.
(Also don’t worry about getting me mad or anything. It takes a lot to upset me.)
Great! but can i show you the pics of the characters before you draw them?
Sure, why not?
ok here.
Make Bowgart x Kayna NSFW, having sex
I already made Kaygart, buddy.
can you make maw nsfw, sucking dick
I have a Maw concept in mind, but it’s not that.
Maybe another time. I dunno.
hey, since gart’s instrument are snapped off versions of his horns, what would a bowgart look like with fully grown horns?
I wouldn’t really know. I suppose it’d look like a longer version of what it looks like in game.
Make a Whisp x Rare PomPom NSFW both females
Make a Whisp x Rare PomPom NSFW
Buddy, Can you do Baby Deedge NSFW, This will be the 2nd NSFW Deedge Picture (but this is the NSFW Continent Picture)
Please, i promise you!!!!
This is a request. You’re not supposed to promise anything.
Also, I won’t do this request. Don’t expect it to come.
ok but still draw this nsfw porn picture as i said
i dont promise plz!!!
So i heard you do nsfw… Would you mind doing Parlsona x Shugabush?(I had no idea how I made that pairing but it exists. Along with Shugabeats x Shugabass. the latter pairing being non incest.)
Eh… I’d feel awkward drawing any of the Shugabushes, considering they’re based on a real person and all…
Besides, I drew Parlsona already. Unless I have a strong inclination to draw a particular pairing, I tend to avoid drawing the same monster repeatedly.
tl;dr: Maybe next time, Ger. But for now, I’ll have to turn down this request.
Hey can you do a nsfw of sooza but the instrument is off and shes naked or something lol
I mean… I could… But if I do, it’ll be a LONG time before I get to it.
can you do this request
can you make baby sooza nsfw but the instrument is off
It’s not really on my to-do list.
Since we’re all getting tired of pom-pom x furcorn, how about we do the complete opposite!!!
Rootitoot x flum ox!!! I don’t care if it’s NSFW or not
Heh. Sounds like an interesting request!
I’ll keep it mind, Angie.
Im not a fan of R34/nfsw at all,I think it’s disgusting but I do like your art style,so can you do just a fun little image of Shrubb and Hoola giving each other a high 5 with a summer Earth island background please?I’d really appreciate it.
Sounds simple enough. Sure, I’ll add it to the list.
Galvana fighting agaisnt the wubbox? it’d def be an epic battle if animated lel
Heh, so like a mortals vs their god, type situation? Sure, I guesss. I’ve got an idea I can explore with that.
do nano x tera
doesn’t have to be sfw or nsfw
plz n thx u
I was kind of planning on finishing the set later anyways, though it’s not really high on my priorities list.
Hey, it’s me.
Can i tell you something?
Sure. Why not?
Well I know you’re doing my request soon, but you do hoola x anyone nsfw?
Can’t say I have anything planned…
I did a Hoola and Pompom nsfw picture earlier, if that helps.
Well that’s nice.
Sir, I Have A Drawing Suggestion For You.
My Drawing Suggestion Is Thwok And Poewk Hugging (SFW Please)
I dunno.
Can you do a D.r.u.m.p.l.e.r. And Rare Pummel but D.r.u.m.p.l.e.r. say “Kaen Saen”, and Rare Pummel Laughing. But this is a Red and SFW, Please.
(its likely a no but what the hay) An orgy of all the quad monsters?
Yikes… uh… Sounds complex. The quad monsters are already some of the toughest to draw.
Putting them all together sounds like something for someone with much for time on their hands, y’know? Maybe next time.
Here’s a nsfw suggestion.
Do Humbug x Yawstrich.
I actually have something with Yawstritch coming up.
It’s not that though; it’s a PS Vita exclusive pairing.
Maybe humbug x grumpyre nsfw?
Hmm… I dunno.
Well i got no fucking clue.
Also sorry for the langurage.
floogull x entbrat?
I’ll think about it, but it does seem odd to me.
Can you clarify?
Well…..Can you do Screeno x skrubz nsfw?
No thanks. I don’t watch Mixels, nor do I have the time or interest to look into it.
Maybe flowah x harpsitree nsfw then?
Look, you don’t have to request anything if you don’t want to. I’m not really waiting for them.
And to answer this request, no, I probably won’t do it.
Well i don’t know to request then.
Can You Do Galvana X Wubbox Nsfw?
I dunno. I’m a bit busy to be working on drawings for the time being.
Hey. request?
Um… Okay? I’m not really in the mood for requests right now, but if you want to, you can.
Well, can you do more ribbit king?
Nah. I already did two pictures for you. That’s enough, isn’t it?
Besides, I know nothing about the series. Any more, and it’d feel like you’re just taking advantage of me.
Well maybe do one more. That’s it?
I’d rather not. Last time I gave someone a bunch of free requests, Alex just dumped a fat list on me to draw.
I prefer not be extorted.
ye nads, if he says no, just let it go and think of something else
Thanks, man.
Thanks for the advise.
DUDE https://stephen718.deviantart.com/art/Baby-Congle-705651226
Is this real?
kinda lol
Do Mariocest nsfw
“Mariocest”? I’m assuming it has something to do with Mario, but you want to clarify.
Can you make a drummidary and candelavra nsfw?
Well… they are the only two 5 elements released as of now…
I’ll put it on the list, but I’m not sure when I’ll get around to it.
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but: http://heronesekingdom.com/small-announcement/
Inanimate Insanity nsfw possible?
I could, though I’ll admit, I’m not quite up to date on that show.
Wouldn’t take long to catch up though.
a suggestion is add a bit of water to this desert
yea nvm that wont work that takes abit of time
Eh? Like… metaphorically?
Could you do a Penraser nsfw?
I could.
Do some 5 random Polandball/Countryballs pics please (Both SFW and NSFW)
Franceball and Italyball (SFW)
Chileball (SFW)
Polandball and Germanyball (SFW)
Japanball (NSFW)
Buthanball and NepalRawr (NSFW)
1: Franceball and Italyball talking about silly things
2: Chileball as a worm
3: Polandball tells Germanyball if he can go to space
4: Japanball looking at hentai manga
5: Buthanball watching NepalRawr “playing” himself (note: NepalRawr has a tapered dick with balls)
I know nothing about polandball except it’s done only if the creator has a political agenda or something. (The balls literally represent countries)
Think I’ll stay away from that stuff.
It’s a meme.
Well……Brad is now into conturyballs now.
Just a statement.
I surmised.
Don’t know why.
Hey, Heronese! I’d like to make a request. (It’s kinda odd, but it’s something you’ve covered before)
Recently on the BFDI Wiki, it became a meme to change your profile picture to a cropped section of your BFB Week series that you did in February. And, well… WE. CRAVE. MORE.
Honestly, it’s actually become so recognizable that if you Google “bfb” right now, it won’t take you that long to find the NSFW art you did.
So… How do I ask? Oh, let’s take 2 BFB characters who aren’t contestants, they’re popular, and they may debut in the future…
Camera and Winner! NSFW, please!
If you don’t know who these two are, check these links:
Camera: http://battlefordreamisland.wikia.com/wiki/Camera
Winner: http://battlefordreamisland.wikia.com/wiki/Winner
As for genders, Winner has been stated by their recommender to be male, but their Patreon post isn’t canon.
Camera has a split in the fandom for being a boy or a girl, but many people agree that Camera is female.
I hope you consider my request!
Derpyunikitty, former BFDI Wiki Admin
I suppose I can do that. Could be amusing.
Oh that’s the point of the penraser suggestion as well btw.
Yeah… but there’s not much novelty there. I can go on r34 and find 2 dozen penraser pics without even having to try that hard.
Actually how bout Tree x Eraser x Liy because that would be beautiful
Tree x Eraser x Liy? Beautiful? How do you figure?
your words confuse me
you don’t have to do it i just think it would be great
I’m just having a tough time understanding the connection.
i want remote x tv sfw not nsfw if not i’ll yur page name to nyan cat shitposting for satan
You shouldn’t threaten people to get what you want.
Besides, you know I can just mark you for spam right?
2.this isn’t spam it’s just some croppy shet suggestio
You threatened to spam.
I’m just saying, I can remove the spam with ease.
so… for the bfdi jazz…
would ya consider maybe:
lolipop x leafy nsfw? (i dunno why i just really like lolipop and leafy. )
something to do with four or x nsfw?
thanks in advance ^^
I guess I’ll consider it.
stop making NSFW and start making SFW for the rest of your futile life or i’ll find you house then kick you out of earth, sending you to the rings of J1407b (if you don’t what is J1407b, see this:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1SWASP_J140747.93-394542.6#J1407b)
*sigh* Don’t you have anything better to do?
That’s extremely sad.
He/she can do whatever he/she wants to do. Plus it’s just objects, not like it’s hurting anybody. Also the internet is where ANYONE can post ANYTHING. So this is a medium on the scale of the internet. So stop complaining.
Glad you understand. : )
can you draw my roblox avatar? https://web.roblox.com/users/361125177/profile and make it SFW
I don’t even play Roblox though. I don’t know anything about the game. : /
If I have time, I guess I could give it a shot, but I wouldn’t expect anything good or anything.
look! i made an meme! https://i.imgur.com/K2vJ7p9.png
Yikes. “Dat Boi”?
Is… this still a thing?
Can you a nsfw of a threesome of Firey,Coiny, and Leafy? If you can’t I understand. Just a suggestion. Thanks if you can. :3
I think Firey and Leafy is kind of dead. At least until we know what’s even going on between the two at the moment, and Firey x Coiny is a bit too overdone for my liking.
Sorry, but I think I’ll pass this time.
since you still do it but don’t post it on this site, can you do Whisp x Ghazt??
Maybe I could. We’ll see.
where is bfb nsfw 5?
There are exactly 4 weeks in February. So I made 4 bfb weeks.
(I cleared my cookies so I think my pfp is different)
Can you do NSFW of Camera and Lightning? I kind of ship them because of BFB 7 where Lightning holds Camera.
I’m trying not to be so demanding since you already accepted one of my requests. But please consider.
Winner & Loser NSFW!
Uh… Maybe? Seems thematically appropriate.
Clean Suggestion: i think you need to try making BFB Month Week 5, 6, 7 and 8 SFW instead of NSFW
That’d certainly change things up, I guess. Still, I don’t know. I’ll let you know if this is the plan next February.
A bit more interesting choice for Gore Art, but maybe the breakup of an anthropomorphic Yugoslavia.
Oh yeah. That was a thing.
To be honest, I don’t know much about that whole ordeal.
BFB Month Week 5, 6 7, and 8
Firey Jr. and Naily
Firey and Coiny
Pin and Needle
Donut, Gelatin and Bomby
Loser and Winner
Get back to me next February.
i wish i can travel thought space and time… for seeing the next month week.
WordPress tracks IPs. I know you’re Random Commenter. Either that or you share their router.
oh no…
I ain’t judging. I’m just confused as to your intentions.
How about some inanimate insanity nsfw?
i don’t know if heronese kingdom knows about I.I…
I still have to catch up on that show.
Artillery Only
Can I suggest a drawing of my two bois, BlueBerry Soda and BurgerSquishy? They’re both object characters, Burger is just a Burger Squishy with arms and legs and Blue is a blue can of soda with purple splashes on the bottom aaaaaaand a rainbow scarf. Btw they both have arms and legs ^^
Sorry, a bit loaded down with homework at the moment. Got some papers to write, and some tests to study for.
Maybe in a few weeks or something, I dunno. But I wouldn’t count on it.
Tren (Tree x Pen) NSFW like in BFB 4
You draw nsfw of bfb, right? Why don’t you draw more? And I suggest to draw nsfw of a bfb relative: Inanimate Insanity 2.
I’m a bit busy right now with college.
Also, I’ve been told about II2, but I still have to watch the most recent episodes. I’m not yet caught up on the show.
tv from bfb playing some hypnotic stuff
HEI, HKey frend, whi u cannot’mstd’ve’sd blotck peeplel!!!? bloeck theeem the oine who sayz baaad stoff abut ur porno and blablablah
This bad comment is a bad comment, and you should feel bad for writing a bad comment.
I mean:
Hey, HK-Friend, Why You Can’t Block People??! Block them! The One Who Says Bad Stuff About Your Porn And Also Another Very, VERY Rude/Bad Stuff.
I can. I just rather not block every person who has an opinion that’s different than my own.
As an admin, I should facilitate discussion, not stifle it.
If I see someone spamming or repeatedly being a dick, then I’ll block them, but that’s an extreme case.
Hey! Heronese! Is Remote In BFB Month Week Part 2? 7u7
And What Role Does She Have In It?
Yeah. She’s in day 18.
Oh, ok
I can take a look at it? i don’t care about how many spoilers i will see on it.
Eh, I’d rather space these out a bit more.
Otherwise, by the time February comes around, I’ll have already released the whole thing.
Hey, dude. Is SB on BFB month? Just askin cuz he’s my favorite.
He’s there, don’t worry.
I didn’t leave anyone important out.
Oh snapp
Can’t wait
I was going to ask what’s going to happen but:
– you’re probably not done yet
– no spoilers
I’m okay with spoilers, just not too many.
Also I just wanted to see you draw him but I thought you wouldn’t be done.
Do Saw x Taco plz
And can you show us day 1 thanks
Delete your website
I’d rather not.
Ok how about ziggruab and drumidary sfw
Hmm, I dunno.
ytu657u7ythgnbgffhnhgmjn jhbnhj76yujujkoikñp`+`puygfxbg
JARC, don’t do this.
i want cake and loser to have sex because cake is a hot bitch and i want to eat herrrrrrrrrrrtfdxghngb
no, delet ur site
go suck your mama’s dick
Seriously JARC, stop it.
What are you even trying to do?
draw sotp sign nsfw because i wanna send it to someone uwu
no if you do that then you mama will call you gay and fat
Will you try doing Glowl X Yelmut NSFW
That better not be you, Alex.
it’s obvious. it’s him.
i’m not alex
Are you sure? You have the same I.P.
I looked up bfb on google images and your porn was on the first page. I don’t care about the fact that you drew porn, but I suggest you label it something other than BFB porn. BFB is targeted towards kids, and kids def shouldn’t see a sponge an a barf bag fucking. Have a nice day.
*sigh* Even after I changed all the names to b/f/b, it’s still showing up on google?
At this point, I’m not sure what I could do to prevent this. Eventually, it’s got to be taken off safe search at least, right?
It is still showing up… even in safe search
Hi, Heron… Or whatever you like to be referred to as, I have a… “special” request.
Since January, I’ve been into Neopets, specifically Techos, actually, Techos and nothing else. I have been obsessed with them that almost every hour I cannot go without thinking about them. It has gotten to the point where I beg my mom to buy me plushes of them and I bring them everywhere in public to take photos and tell others about how great and sexy they are, and I have made contless drawings and comics of them, and I got banned from a Neopets fansite for “posting too much Techos” where I have since moved to the BFDI Wiki to force my obsession onto others because I no longer have an are a to curb my byproduct of obsession and hyperfixation. It has gotten to the point that it has become an addiction or otherwise damaging lifestyle to my well being.
I need you to satisfy my thirst for Techos. You don’t have to, but I’d like you to draw a Techo. Any kind, any one off of this list: http://www.neocolours.co.uk/viewpet.php?colour=all&species=techo&pose=happy+male Bonus points if you do some of my favorites, being Island, Pirate, Water, Striped, Fire, and Ice, and I would like to satisfy my lust for Techos and get some nice dopamine from sending this comment and perhaps even happiness if my brain so desires. Techos are all I live for, for they are my children and I shall protect them. Since you’re most likely unfamiliar with them, you don’t have to draw them, but I’d like you to, they demand me so. They are absolutely fantastic, cute, sexy, hot, amazing, glamourous, great, attractive…
Um… is this becoming unhealthy?
This description legit sounds like a drug addict describing their life falling apart.
Do… do you need help?
Hmm, I dunno. I really like them though…
Hey, just wanted you to draw some Teardrop and Woody, cuz back in BFDI 1a, Woody tried to confess to Teardrop and now some people still want the ship to become valid, including me.
Yeah, but it’s already out there. People have drawn it before.
I know right, I just need some nsfw. Also, the ship isn’t well-noticed, so I hardly ever see any of those.
Never heard of it, but based on the name, I assume it’s an object show?
Either way, I think I’ll pass.
How about eraser pen and Blocky and can you do x and 4
They’ve been done though.
Unless I really like a ship, I tend not to repeat drawing it.
I think he means bftror
I just realized there was a suggestion now!!?? lol I do have a request: Make your own version of a plant avatar from PVZ 1 or 2 If you don’t know what a plant avatar is I made like 15 of them in the discord! I was wondering if you would like to try making one? : )
And please keep it SFW but you can add violence in it I don’t mind.
Heh, that’s been here since the start.
Also I could give it a shot… Avatars aren’t something I do much, but I’m willing to give it shot.
How about a random ship like Liy and Loser
I do have my fair share of crackships, though that ain’t one of them.
Okay, I know I said I a lot to you here but, I just have another suggestion. Can you do any nsfw off any character from anything BUT they are sounding their dick hole? you know penis sounding? when you screw your D-hole, I tried it. It really stings, but it feels good on the other hand for some reason. I was willing you could draw something like that because I don’t see any sounding porn drawings you have?
Erm… not really my thing, but I could give it a shot.
Any character you wanted in particular?
how about colt or bull, from brawl stars?
Hrmm… I dunno about this anymore.
Yeah, you’re right. Would have might went too far
How about you make another plant avatar? but this time use fume shroom or something (sfw) I really loved your last avatar and just had to share it in my server because it was that awesome! XD
Yeah alright.
I’ve been meaning to draw some pvz stuff anyways.
make Planet Happy Toons nsfw
I don’t know much about the series. I looked it up and the wiki shows one of the main characters is Pompom from MSM.
What… even is this show?
make the worst object show ever! even worse than Shape World and so bad that it will make literally every other object show in existence, even bad, horrible, cringy and cancerous ones still be and look better than this pure piece of garbage!:
1.do it on powerpoint
2.click on the disfigured (lmao) line where it says ”freehand” then start to draw some random lines and shit
3.leave the default color in these stuff and don’t change it
4.make literally all of the cast bland and each one who appears in on-screen way worse than the previous one
5.make literally all of the cast, even the host talk pure gibberish and trash (e.g. e54th54tgvuio5hwtv8rqw3vy2h84o4o4o4o4otv5)
6.basically copy and paste each slide and make each one look different (but only less than 1% but random ”characters” appearing on-screen but make sure they behave (and look) bland enough)
7.make the host and characters act like absolutely nothing but saying random gibberish and non-sense trash too
8.don’t put or copy and paste a background, just leave it absolutely pure white without any props behind the characters at all
9.also don’t make limbs or even faces for or to the characters because they need to remain literally like these random lines and scribbles
10.don’t put a plot at all but just move and mostly drag characters all around the place like if they were leafs or even nothing
11.make sure the contestants make their teams BUT don’t name them in the terribly blandest and cringiest but mostly dumbest way ever possible
12.also make the blandest but cringiest challenge ever in object show history
13.remake the first challenge ever in BFDI but make it worst and add a lot of laziness and non-effortness on it
14.randomly throw several characters (or the contestants) to where the water is supposed to be but it is (the water) off-screen so we just see the contestants screaming and shouting gibberish then throwing themselves one by one to the water for no reason
15.also put some characters that actually throws some contestants to the water but it also throws itself to the water then of course dies like everyone else
16.make all contestants die then the host panicking (and screaming gibberish) so he puts literally everyone even himself as the ones who you need to vote off
17.make the voting screen just plain text in a random white background with random words and gibberish glued to it which whatever the text says is actually beyond meaningfullless
18.grab the worst and most cheap recording software you have in your computer and start to record whatever you made
19.show slide per slide for a annoying 5+ or 10+ seconds to make the video’s lenght bajillions times longer and more boring but possibly torturous too
20.when you finished recording, name your object show a name that already tells you how horrible is the object show already (e.g. Object Worst or Object WorseThanShapeWorld, or maybe something like The Worst Object Show Ever In History!!! or This Object Show Is Worse Than Shape World So Don’t Watch It Please)
21.now upload it to your youtube account (if you have one) then name it with the name you choosed then put ”Episode 1 – (put something cringy here, or just gibberish if you want)” after the object show’s name
22.put a description that’s a nuisance and practically is a liar and is super cringy and has bad grammar
Wow. I can’t think of something I’d less want to do.
Okay I have another request/Suggestion if you’re willing to do it. And I don’t know if you take a maximum suggestions or unlimited as long as you don’t keep making them, but I didn’t suggest since June so yeah.
But for this suggestion is not PVZ related this time. I want to know if you’re willing to do ANY brawl star related art, I don’t what kind. SFW or NSFW, I just really wanna see how you can draw a brawl star character… I mean if you search up brawl stars, the characters are not that hard to draw tbh. But I just wanted to see how you would draw one of the characters, that’s why I made this suggestion. If you’re not interested then that’s fine.
Sure. I’ll give it a shot. (probably’ll be a sfw one though.)
YAY!! :3
Heya, been a while. I know it will def not be posted here of all places, but on the baraag site, may I suggest phangler and fwog NSFW? They just seem like such a good pair for each other, both as a couple and as a signing pair. Here’s to hoping for a reply-
I guess that could be interesting. I’ll consider it.
mmm monkey
Uhh… I’m empty out of ideas. V:
Just a random comment.
This person used your porn in there community posts look https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJVPiRbg-ZKUpcZdDsR5QIQ
I don’t see it. Maybe I missed it… Or maybe it was taken down.
Either way, not wasting time sifting through each video for glimpses of my stuff. Too much garbage.
This person stole your bfb “fanart” in their community posts
Wait wrong link
Again, I don’t see what you mean. I’m not seeing it in the thumbnails.
Hello, Mr. Kane.
Could you please make my nightmare true and use my character Deci for a NSfW picture?
Here’s a picture of her with Nano:
However, I want those details:
– With Nano (obviously).
– Both Happy.
– Link directly to the uncensored version instead of linking to your baragg.
That’s it, ma’ boi. The rest is you I M A G I N A T I O N…
– SpongeBob SquarePants
oops sorry it’s not kane it’s king (why do I cause damned errors like these?)
She sort of just looks like a color/gender swapped version of Nano. (Is she his sister? Is this incest?)
And I dunno, this idea doesn’t resonate with me much. I might do it as a sketch, but that’s a big maybe.
And all the links I put are direct links to the images. They just require an account.
It’s supposed to be Nano’s love, she was made for that (and yes, I know she looks like a sister).
One of the personalities she has is that she loves touching Nano, so that’s why I’m requesting this.
so, will u do it
Think I’ll pass.
I’m thirsty for Wii Sports shit xd
so here’s the suggestions:
*****Tyrone and Shinnosuke fuck (Kinda my fave)
Miyu and Lucia fuck
Holly thinking of Gabriele fucking her
(Well, I would list more but I don’t wanna waste your time!
https://wiisports.fandom.com/wiki/Tyrone https://wiisports.fandom.com/wiki/Shinnosuke
https://wiisports.fandom.com/wiki/Miyu https://wiisports.fandom.com/wiki/Luc%C3%ADa
https://wiisports.fandom.com/wiki/Holly https://wiisports.fandom.com/wiki/Gabriele)
Thank you.
Can you do a Vita-Boy fucking a Mina-Girl’s Pussy? They’re from Vitamin Connection? (NSFW Of Course) They’re so Cute! :3
When you comment for the first time, it needs to be curated first.
Anyways, I do like their designs. I’ll consider it.
Thanks! :3
I Was figuring out the Mechanism of this Website, Sorry for Spam!
Sure, no problem.
Always glad to see a new face.
You know of this game called papa louie?
You should make porn of its characters
some are realy hot like prudence.
to find a character write their name next to papa louie.
lemme show you my favorite ship
https://fliplinestudios.fandom.com/wiki/Cooper x https://fliplinestudios.fandom.com/wiki/Prudence
(copy paste the links)
pls do his request
I made one of Mary a while back, so I do know it. (rip Flash)
I’ll consider it
Hello. I’ve got a request for you, if it’s ok (NSFW). (M)Floogull getting a paizuri from (F)Sooza while she says “This is what you get for snooping on me~” It’s ok if you don’t wanna do this, since you are doing this stuff for free. Goodbye.
I’ll consider it.
Just did a Sooza pic, so I probably won’t do it right away if I choose to.
Yeah I saw it.
BTW, it’d be nice if you’d tell me if you’re gonna do it or not when you’ve made up your mind.
I get that, but even when I agree to do something it might be a while before I end up finishing it.
(Got a vitamin connection piece that’s just sitting at a pretty 85% completion…)
(A kind of repost since I didn’t see my comment posted the first time I sent it)
Hey, is it ok if I change my request a little bit? I found my old idea a little…cringe, and I feel like it should be changed to M Floogull on top of F Sooza, pounding her while he grabs her breasts. You said it’d be a while before you start working on my request, so this should be okay. Bye!
To be honest, this is all kinda cringe. Like… my whole situation.
Drawing cartoon characters going at it? For free?
So I ain’t judging.
I wasn’t saying you were cringe, I was saying my request was.
Godammit I misunderstood.
Hey, I’d like to know if you are still alive?
I didn’t mean to say but I’d like to make sure if you are active here or anywhere much more?
I am. Don’t know what’s up with this internet mentality that if someone doesn’t update for a month they’re apparently dead.
We all have things going on in our lives not related to the internet after all.
Hey, I saw your latest post on Baraag. I like the fact that Blow’T is smiling in his sleep just like the original game, pretty cool. I thought for a second it was my request, but quickly remembered you had a trend of Kayna x Quad element magicals lol. Just wanted to say keep up the good work!
PS: One of the previous posters, Ashton M. Fisher is actually a friend of mine. Funny seeing him here.
Here’s a pretty obvious thing: Friday Night Funkin’ NSfW
– Bf / Gf (sex)
– Bf / Senpai (r34)
– Bf / Pico (r34)
I think it’s too common already, but I wanna see how you do.
Heh, honestly yeah. No shortage of fnf stuff.
Artstyle rules though. Super newgrounds.
I might do some stuff, though probably not any of your suggestions.
Look, I dunno if your up to making object show stuff still but I do have a request. Mephone4 and OJ (Inanimate Insanity) NSFW? If i’m correct one of the creators of II did confirm it canon so.. You don’t have to draw it though it’s just a suggestion. Good art by the way.
Yeah, doubtful I’ll be taking suggestions on object shows for a while. Besides, I haven’t watched II in ages. Haven’t really been keeping up.
Also thanks.
Purble Place NSfW? You know, the Windows 7 game.
The only characters are the baker, and the weird green guy with glasses.
Since they’re both male, you can make them have vaginas if you want (idk).
oh shit
I REMEMBER THIS! I just looked it up and I remember playing this as a kid.
Huh… I’m a bit at a loss for lewding opportunities. (Neither the chef nor glasses guy is doing much for me) Maybe I’ll come up with something with the character creation thing.
oh btw, you can download the game for Windows 10.
I trust this website. I downloaded the games they had when it was January, or something.
And nothing happened to my computer.
Also, playing it may help you investigate their personalities (dialogue).
They are both friendly tho.
UPDATE: I perfectly know their lore now.
The chef seems to be the most excited one, considering his dialogue. But he also seems to be a crybaby when losing. I guess he would be smiling in the art, or a bit confused.
And the glasses guy is just… nice. He isn’t as excited as the chef, and he isn’t that sad when the player loses. This causes some problem… the lack of personality. I would guess he is SMARTER than the chef, because of his
outfit and the game being called “Memory”.
From my point of view, I guess they would be either friends, brothers (INCEST VIBES), or even… kinda enemies.
And yes, you can do something with the charater creation thing.
Go into Purble Shop, set difficulty to ADVANCED, and find the perfect head shape and color. Using the accesories available, go creative and create a…
h o t p u r b l e . . .
Take a screenshot, touch it up a bit using photoshop (optional), and save that as a reference. Why did I say “hot purble”? As I said, there are only official male characters, so where are you gonna get the vag from?
Sounds like you have a lot of strong feelings about this.
Welp, guess I’ll look into it. No guarantees though.
Heyo, remeber me! I loved your last art, and I wanted to suggest something. Maybe you could do something related to Fakemon? Some of them are just kinda…hot. Of course, this would mean taking it down if the artist finds it and feels uncomfortable. But if you wanna try doing some of them, that’s fine. For my prefered pairing, probably Marlance (https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.KI1G7pt66p_XgY76sPNNCgAAAA?pid=ImgDet&rs=1) Screwin Fructifay (https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.HGE7v2MQJ2Aqf6bT476togHaJH?pid=ImgDet&rs=1). There’s a reason why it’s these two, but since I don’t want to drop a wall of text on you I’ll ask if you want to know why.
Heard of the concept… even spent some of my youth making my own fake pokemon. (Most of them were pretty shit though…)
I guess I can look into this, but no promises.
I think coming up with really bad fakemon was a part of all out childhoods.
Does anyone remember the flash game series made by Ttursas LTD called Drop Dead? It has been there for 12 years, still having no Rule 34 of the playable ragdoll characters like Vincent, Sack Jack, Elizabeth, Metal Bear Solid, and so on. So would Rule 34 of that game exist? Which character(s) would be first?
Funny. Haven’t actually played this one. And I was ALL about those flash games as a kid.
Maybe I’ll check it out.
Could you try something with the roblox game tower heroes? I find some of the level 5s pretty hot, and would love to see them screw. For my suggestion, I choose Beetrice x Hayes or Beetrice x Branch since they’re both valid choices. For what position, any but my favorite would be Standing Doggystyle with Beetrice’s big honey milkers hangind out. It’s a shot in the dark but it would be hot.
Huh, these are actually some solid designs. Not sure what the collective consensus on Roblox is right now, (I’m guessing most people who grew up with this are in their teens now), but I can give this a go.
I’m glad you’re giving it a try, although I may have to warn you about something. Some characters in their early levels (1, 2 and 3) are minors. Not all are though, you can check the wiki here to see the ages for yourself https://towerheroes.fandom.com/wiki/Tower_Heroes_Wiki
Why did the game Shank n’ Bake by Mega Dwarf not have any rule 34?
Welp I guess we’ll start off with Miff having sex with an egg.
I dunno. Object stuff has sort of lost its appeal for me.
pretty sure this exists already, but how about chalk r34? you know, theres this youtuber called “chocolatte with a side of milk” (who made the fnf but bad mod) and her sona is called chalk/woman.
heres some reference:
if you dont want to draw it its okay
Is the link broken?
It’s been a few days since you commented (sorry, I was busy) but it looks like the channel has been wiped.
Hello, I don’t know if you still take requests but I figured it’d be worth an ask. Your work is great and I think the xyster you drew is incredibly cute. I’d love to see her having sex with basically any other character if that’s something you’d be willing to do.
I take it you’re the one from baraag. Anyways I’m glad to hear you’re enjoying my work.
Right now, I’m a little busy with finals, but if you leave a few requests I might get to them later. (Not entirely sure what to do, or who to pair with xyster though. If you have ideas, feel free to let me know)
Absolutely, thanks so much from hearing out my request. I think deja jin could be an interesting pairing. I am the same guy from baraag btw, lol. Mainly just want to see more of my fav gal in your awesome art style. Good luck on finals m8.
As far as a subject, I think something like standing missionary could look really nice. Once again, thanks for just hearing out the request.
Alright, Deja Jin x Xyster standing missionary. Neat. I’ll see what I can do.
I’m in the middle of a bloons set right now, so I’ll probably upload that first, but I’ll keep this in mind.
Thanks a ton. Good luck on everything and have a great day.
I was able to come up with two ideas for requests if that’s ok. The first idea was a missionary scene between a female plinkajou and either rare or normal male hawlo. I think the pairing is cute and it makes sense to me with plinkajou always being rolled over anyway. The second idea was either a cunnilingus scene or a 69 between your anthro bannana farm and the farmer. A monkey does need to tend to his crops after all. I really like the design you gave to her and cant wait to see her in something and think this could be a fun idea. Thanks for hearing me out. Hope you like the ideas.
Yeah, those sound good. I like ’em. In general I tend to prefer more vague requests that leave more room for interpretation.
Most of the requests I pass on are like “characters does this and says this”, like hyperspecific scenarios that I don’t think I’d enjoy making.
And I try especially hard to avoid oc stuff. oc x canon is something I tend to find uncomfortable.
So yeah, I think your reqs are nice.
I completely understand. I’m glad to hear you enjoyed them. I dont really have any oc’s so that’s not something you’d need to worry about lol. I get why that would be awkward or uncomfortable. Thanks so much for hearing out the requests. I hope they end up being any fun to draw.
So I thought of 2 more ideas. The first was some sort of scene with Sauda and a group of the bloons. Shes like the queen of bloon popping power so I think it makes some sort of sense. The second idea was some sort of cute and sexy scene between the ghosty girls withur and whisp. I tried keeping these requests a bit more vague than last time since you said you preferred that. Hope this works while still giving some sort of idea, lol. Thanks for listening!
I’ve got a fair bit I want to do today, but I’ll keep these in mind. Thanks.
Absolutely! Take as much time as you need. These are things I’d love to see but I am more than willing to wait. Hope your day goes well! Good luck with everything.
Hey again man. I thought of a different bloons idea if your not interested in the Sauda one. I love the way you draw Ezili and think she could be another good subject for some sort of group scene with your anthro bloons. That’s all I had to say this time. Have a great night man and I hope the idea sounds interesting to you at all.
I don’t mind drawing Sauda. I’m just taking a break from reqs at the moment.
Ahh, I gotcha. Apologies. Good luck with whatever your working on then man!
Hey again man. I thought of another idea that I think you’ll enjoy. I was scrolling through some of the older posts on the website a while back and saw that you said you’d like to pair ezili with the BAD. I think that could be super fun now that you have the awesome anthro design for her. Hope that sounds interesting.
Yeah, I’ve got an idea for that.
We’ll see if I have time for it, but I’ll keep this one in mind.
Heck yeah! I love that awesome voodoo monkey and especially in all your drawings of her. Hope everything else your working on treats you well and I hope you have a great day.
Draw Om Nom and Kirby
Is the connection that they both eat stuff? I dunno, that’s kind of weak in terms of linkage.
Please, can you please draw Om Nom and Kirby
I think I’m gonna pass.
I have another bloons idea if you’d be interested. In a very similar vain to the ezili one, I think a purple bloon having sex with Gwen could be a fun drawing. The Ezili x BAD came out awesomely by the way. Level 20 Ezili is such a fun design with all of the glowy colors she has going on and I think she looks amazing in the pic you drew. Your BAD girl is also incredibly cute and is fun to see paired with someone so small. Thanks for taling the request and I hope you enjoy this one!
Maybe. I feel like I’ve drawn a lot of Gwen though. I like her, but I still like to have a variety of things to draw.
I might do this later, but not now.
That’s understandable. I’ll let you know if I think of anything else that interests you. Have a great day and thanks for the awesome Ezili piece!
I don’t really know how you feel about her because I don’t think you’ve drawn her but Adora and the true sun god could be a fun pair. It’s the only tower I think she would actually hang out with, lol.
You know, I haven’t. And that’s a bit odd. (To be fair, there are a lot of heroes in this game now)
I have my own headcanons about her which I might be more interested in drawing. (Also I think I’ve been TSG x Adora been done)
Thats fair. I look forward to whatever you do with her then. Hope the idea ends up being fun to draw!
Hey again KH. I thought of two more possible msm ideas if you’d be interested. Both ideas where fairly similar. The first was squot doing something naughty to his little green buddy. The second was with bisonorus. The idea for them was for the smaller orange one to service the bigger purple guy. I hope you enjoy the ideas at all. They kind of remind me of the one image you made with the dawn of fire shellbeat and his fish friend.
Hmm, maybe. There’s certainly a novelty to those. I’ll consider them.
(Though today I’ve got my hands full.)
Glad you liked them. Hope everything treats you well today. Good luck with the stuff your working on!
I’ll probably slow down a lot with the suggestions after this one since you’ve already made me so much, I just wanted to run one last idea by you for the time being. The idea would be a female version of Psi receiving cunnilingus from your anthro MOAB since they don’t really manage to do much when the moab appears at round 40. I know Psi is canonically a they them character so if this idea would make you uncomfortable at all I completely understand. If not though I hope you enjoy. Have a good day either way man. Tganks for listening to so many of my requests. You’re awesome!
I intentionally left Psi’s sex ambiguous in that one pic I made of them. I think that’s the easiest way to not take a definitive stance on this kind of thing. I may try to work with this, but I’m not sure. Ambiguous oral tends to look kind of lame. (Like the camera’s positioned in a way that censors the action)
I completely understand. If it just ends up being something you’d rather not work on I get it entirely. Thanks for hearing out the request in the first place.
I was looking back at the set you released the other day and I really dig the pic that put Thrumble, Parlsona, and Whajje in bunnysuits. I think it would be great to see Thrumble “messing” with Whajje a bit while Parlsona watches. I don’t know why I like them all so much in those outfits so much but they look freaking great.
I have a request; Bona riding a human guy in the cowgirl position with Petite in bonas ribcage eagerly waiting for her turn.
Hey again man. I thought of another idea so I figured I’d run it by you. I’ve loved Ffidyll since they were added to shanty and think something with them could look really nice. The idea is fairly vanilla, just a female Ffidyll having sex. I don’t really have an idea for a partner though. Also, how do you feel about Monculus? I think they have a super cool and unique design. Their sound also works really well for me in the greater song but I’m curious to hear your thoughts.
Just noticed you released a price with Ffidyll over on Baragg. Talk about bad timing, lol. The new pieces look great.
Yeah, whoops. And thanks!
That being said, I’ve been meaning to wind down on the msm stuff since I have other things I want to do.
I completely understand. It’s always awesome getting to see your art but if you have other stuff you want or need to work on I completely understand. I still look forward to seeing anything you make so I hope it all goes well for you!
Now might be an okay time for a few bloons reqs, or some msm stuff unsuitable for a place like reddit.
Ok, I’ll get back too you with anything I can think of tomorrow night!
Hey man, I thought up some ideas overnight that I think could be fun. The first idea was between your cute fem ace and the heli pilot so she could finally indoctrinate him into the mile high club. That is, unless you want to keep the meme of him getting no action alive, lol. The second idea was a mating press scene between your anthro bomb tower and your ice tower. I’ve always seen them as counterparts or friends to each other so I think it’s be nice seeing them pleasing each other. Hope you like the ideas man!
Also, just kinda out of curiosity. What would count as “unsuitable for a place like reddit”? Just wondering where that line would be.
I’ll send you some examples on baraag.
When will you post Om Nom for the first time in your website?
Hi Kingheron, I am waiting for you to draw Om Nom. Can you please draw Om Nom and Kirby eating pizza today?
I never said I would.
uhh hi.
did you ever consider rick and morty? if possible can u pls do it? thx
That show has a… strange reputation. I kinda stopped watching after it got memed to death. (And from what I hear it got bad after that)
I just feel like that well’s been tapped dry. And I have a thing about novelty.
Draw Mr. Men and Little Miss.
Haven’t seen the show, but I can consider it…
(Again don’t expect anything.)
Draw Elmo and Cookie Monster.
Can you draw Ice monkey with the snowstorm upgrade design and glue gunner with the bloon solver upgrade design both giving a handjob to a human?
Can you do bowgart non-futa kayna nsfw?
I’ll consider it.
Draw Mr Bump and Little Miss Bossy!
More wurt please the ones you made are so good
It’s true that there’s a criminally low amount of Wurt stuff compared to other don’t starve characters. I guess I’ll consider it.
Can you draw Nebulob giving a handjob (Or tentaclejob if you want to be specific.) to a human guy?
Dumb thought, but PrankLyfeN4tion Hoola has an orgy with Pomily members, and then gets ‘pranked’ as he had been doing to them, with a vid/image being posted. Don’t really care what is specifically going on, but maybe it could be some bukkake stuff lol
Hey, I don’t have anything specific but if you are currently taking MSM requests, I think you should do something with Strombonin… Solo, if not, maybe with other mythical monsters like G’joob or Yawstrich? Thanks!
Heh, maybe when I get some free time. But I don’t have much of that right now.
STOP MAKING SCRATCH RELATED PORN (even though you don’t draw that stuff that much)
mate he can do what he wants
ok hear me out
an orgy of Death P.A.C.T. again
Mind if I request Bluestar fucks Cutestar’s Pussy? (And cums inside her) they’re from Bluestar’s Jump Jump. Here’s their ref.
Bluestar : https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/bluejumpwikia/images/2/2e/01_%EB%B8%94%EB%A3%A8%EC%8A%A4%ED%83%80.png/revision/latest?cb=20180906175857&path-prefix=ko
Cutestar : https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/bluejumpwikia/images/2/25/06_%ED%81%90%ED%8A%B8%EC%8A%A4%ED%83%80.png/revision/latest?cb=20180906180057&path-prefix=ko
Think I’ll pass.
Can you draw Crystal and Cruffle from KittyDog? :0 (SFW)
Draw your main OC (SFW)
Draw your main OC
can you make the furcorn and the sooza from this image https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1173034868242911294/1199113978417262662/image.png?ex=65c15cea&is=65aee7ea&hm=fb6c4d4c4bcf2c72d8b8cb68a710740ca028a715dc7df6782887874269d35b05& fucking each other?
can you draw gorm (the furcorn) fucking sue (the sooza) anally? here’s the reference to them btw https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1173034868242911294/1199113978417262662/image.png?ex=65c15cea&is=65aee7ea&hm=fb6c4d4c4bcf2c72d8b8cb68a710740ca028a715dc7df6782887874269d35b05&
make a cum alt too
eh, tend to stay away from ocs in general.
also do you have a discord
Hello King Heron can you make Ad balloon and Jigsaw NSFW from Chulip
HELLO King Heron can you do Ad balloon and Jigsaw NSFW from Chulip
Can you draw your sona? (If you don’t know what sona means, it means a main original character that represents yourself. It could be based on your IRL self or not)
something with chicory: a colorful tale!
Do Nano (Scratch) X Bubble (BFDI)
I think a good adition as an extra for the poke-pack coild be a treecko so underapreciated and almost not seen, and im sure its gonna look so cool in your style❤️
Bemeebeth, Whaill and Yooreek together wearing skimpy bunnysuits or bikinis? Female, preferably on model
are you still alive here, or only on mastodon?
i wanted to know, have you ever considered rhythm heaven porn? its really hot. you should try it out.
there’s so many cute girls in it: (dazzles, shoot em up lady, reporter lady)
i’d love to see Aka-Chan (age her up though) but i understand if you dont wanna make this
I still have the website, but I don’t use it much anymore. I occasionally come by to check on recent comments though.
But yeah, rhythm heaven porn could be fun.
Your last art with Abigail is awsome. I would be more enjoyed if blue ghost and Abby would be swapped roles tho, anyway, do you plan to draw more of Abby (as her simple ghost form) in the future? I really fan of it.
While I enjoyed making that, I tend to prefer drawing characters who aren’t as common in r34. I’m pretty sure Wendy’s the most common dst character lewded. So you know, no shortage of her out there.
Why you speaking about Wendy? I clearly meant Abigail. Smooth roundish ghost (not a humanized, just a ghost as she in game). There bearly anything that pictures Abby in her original ghost form. I not really care about Wendy same way you are. My suggestion was exactly about drawing Abigail as ghost she is.
Ok, I see. More Abigail in ghost form. I hear ya. I guess I can keep her in mind. Though I’ve just wrapped up a set so probably won’t be returning to dst for a little bit.