A farmer and a poacher seem to have gotten into a scuffle. Clearly, a high stakes fight. You can tell by the high level of… uh… dedication that… they… Or, by their clear… technique with… their weapons… and… uh… stance?
An alien race I created for my multiverse. Drawn on paper. Project for a class.
Ludum Dare 33 screens (NSFW)
Some screens I made for a colab game for Ludum Dare 33 (play here http://ludumdare.com/compo/ludum-dare-33/?action=preview&uid=52084) Quite a violent game… be warned… actually even if it was, it’d be too crappy to offend anyone…
Ant Chars
The various characters of Benji’s imagination. What? One of these is not like the others? Don’t be ridiculous.