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Beta Content

As you can see, one of the first things I planned out was how the story would end.

I guess the two main characters were originally going to be in love.

One last page before my first beta draft.

Jara's mine scene wasn't originally here. Also there was a cubby area in the house. I removed it in the final draft.

Matone and Leek were originally going to be a lot more friendly and bro-like. Matone was also going to be an assassin. I think I changed it since... I guess since it's kind of an extreme profession.

Also I never finished the background here.

I don't know if knew what I was going for here. Was there really some sort of legend? I dunno.

I guess Jara didn't live with them in the original draft.

"Bisque", huh? I prefer her new name. Also it's weird how quick I change her design. Also Matone's much more casual about murder here. (Rat guy was always meant to die)

This is much different than the final version. Leek is way too cool with this. (Also did he nick a dead guy's wallet?)

Yikes did I have my protagonist shoot an unarmed fleeing woman? That's a bit... odd.

Yikes, Leek. Also no, you don't go from getting shot to buddy buddy. Okay?

That one panel, the one with the shading? It took a bit. Not too long, but more than the other panels. (Okay, why is Leek such a sex freak?)

Well, all the characters are together.

And that's where this draft ends. I think I realized most of the characters were kind of unlikable or just plain unrelatable. Also I needed to clean up the designs a bit. Some looked... off.

So, new beginnings. Neat.

Ok, if the last one was too cheesy, this one is starting off way to dramatic. Did I hope to keep this tone through the whole story?

And this second draft also went nowhere. Yep this is the end. I think I was going to do a En Medias Rez thing and start off the story with the characters in their final positions before flashing back.

Moving into another notebook, we start off with some sketches and plans. As you can see, originally Matone was going to be with Leek and Jara with Moss. But this caused contradictions...

I mean, if Matone was seeing the issues with the government, why would he then join them? And if Jara watched Moss get killed in the backstreets, why would she move there?

I think that's why I switched them.

Ha, a far... smaller character cast than what I ended up with. But to be fair, this isn't a bad group of the main characters. Also this is my first Reed drawing and yeah, I went full junkie with his design.

Geez, what plot point would've led to Leek fucking exploding? Also were Matone and Jara going to die? I guess...

This is weird to see. Maybe this was a joke page.

Chapter names, HA! Who needs chapter names... Also what? Futures?

My second attempt to restart this series. Not too much has changed, though.

Hmm... not that different yet...

I guess I hadn't really decided to completely change things for this draft.

Now Lotus at least lives in the house, which is a change.

Another encounter with the rat.

Heh, why I do want this rat guy to die so bad?

I don't think that's the proper response to seeing an associate get killed. I think the proper response is to bolt.

Interesting. I didn't think I'd already had Scallion planned out by this point. Also this is the last page. (I know, abrupt.)

Somewhat after the third chapter, I actually made a bit of a character guide for myself, so I'd know who was alive and who wasn't while making future chapters.

That chihuahua eventually became Martin, and I brought most of the street thugs back in the final battle

So, that's all the beta content. I may have more scattered among my shelves in notebooks or whatever, but here, you can see some of the rough draft stage things, and stuff that got cut.